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Friday 11 February 2011

X-Men first class trailer!!

Ok, after watching the trailer a few times I think that it doesn't look half bad.

There are good and bad points about the teaser and I will list my likes and dislikes instead of rambling on:

Magneto looks amazingly bad ass, I love how he is using his powers how ever he chooses (nice helmet too!).
The 1960s setting feels right and looks very true to the original comics (and seems set during the Cuban missile crisis)
Its nice to see the prototypes of Cerebro, and the origins of Beast also being covered.
The blue and yellow costumes look brilliant, sadly I've heard they don't use them much in the final cut
Mcavoy and Fassbender look the part and seem to bounce off each other very well

Why so many random mutants (Azazel, Angel Salvadore, Havok) ?! I don't see why we have Cyclops' brother and Nightcrawlers father as part of the movies original mutants (x-men). Obviously, they might not be referred to as that in the film. At least we have Beast as a reference to the original 5 of the comics!
It feels a bit forced, and I hate the "before he was" lines, very cheesy.
Emma Frost being.. well Emma Frost. I love how she is finally being represented but didn't we already have a rather bad Emma Frost in X-Men Origins: Wolverine?! She was even called that on screen. So how do they excuse that?
I've heard that its very different than the film trilogy and doesn't exactly fit in with the timeline already established. But the director has said that there are some nods to the other films. So why add footage from X-Men into the bloody trailer?! Plus, theres a clear shot of Magneto in his X-Men duds!
Again with the ties to the trilogy, in the first film Xavier actually says how Jean, Scott and Ororo were his first students... umm not any more by the looks of it. And, they have the exact same blackbird jet as they do in X-Men 2... set 40 years later!

I will stop going on now as I feel I am rambling but after watching the trailer a few times, I have to say I am excited about the film. What else can I say? I am an X-Men fan boy through and through and any film about my favourite team of mutants gets me hot under the collar.
Whist the film looks nothing like the others, I will say this... McAvoy and Fassbender are excellent choices and seem to gel into a believable friendship come rivalry. Matthew Vaughn (the director) has excellent credentials and can make brilliant films. He was also the original director of X-Men 3 and has also done Kick Ass and Stardust, two films which are highly thought of with fans and critics. I also love the set designs and I would be lying if I didn't say I got pumped to see the Mansion and nods to the comics. I will leave it at that and look forward to seeing the film when it released on June 3rd.

To view the trailer click title of this post :)

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