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Tuesday 22 February 2011

Doctor Who Experience

Last Sunday I was fortunate to go to the new Doctor Who Experience in London on opening day. In the middle of kids and parents were the loyal whovians and other who had obviously grown up with the show.
After being led through some costumes and sets from the show we were all lined up to enter the experience. The first 5 minutes consist of you watching a video that turns into one of the infamous cracks in time and opens to lead you in to starship UK from the Beast Below. I won't ruin this tour as I don't want people to be spoiled about it. All I will say is the sets are brilliant and the added bonus of new content spoken by Matt Smith himself fully immerses you into the experience. Yeah the "plot" of the tour is a bit unimaginative and it could have been alot longer. All the kids there enjoyed the hell out of it and were laughing and screaming all the way through.
After the experience finishes in a 3D finale, you are led into the actual exhibition of the event. This place is chock full of authentic pieces and replicas of monsters and the Drs tech, which are all amazing to get close to them. Plus the fact they have two Tardis' and interiors as well as all the outfits for 11 Drs and the companions since the shows return in 2005.
All in all its a fantastic day out and I would def recommend it to any Dr Who fan and especially the kids who enjoy the show. All of the kids I saw were completley stunned and smiling all the way through. Go and treat yourself ;) Oh and if you want to see pics from the exhibit (not the actual experience tour) then click on my flickr link over there >>>>>>>>>>

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