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Friday 18 February 2011

Doctor Who Week: Day 5

Series 5
Favourite episode: The Pandorica Opens
Firstly, I've picked only one half of a two parter as there are elements that make the first part of the story better than the second in my opinion. Although the big bang does have some excellent wibbly wobbly timey wimey bits, the Dr in a Fez with a mop, the brilliant return of the Doctor after closing the cracks in time and the added mystery to River Song. What elevates the Pandorica Opens over the Big Bang are a few things:

The spine tingling heroic speech that the Doctor gives to his enimies whilst trying to work out what the Pandorica is (probably the most uplifting speech the Dr has ever given)
The unexpected twist at what the Pandorica is built for and why it is opening
The return of Rory
The always fantastic River Song trying to warn the Dr through time
The begining with all of the Doctors past friends from this series, from Van Gough (and the amazing painting) to Churchill all the way up to Liz 10
The final moments of the episode where all the stars go out and silence has fallen (not to mention the rather creepy voice of the "silence" during the Tardis' touchdown in 2010.

Not to mention the reason why the Alliance and the end of the episode has formed, which alot of people have complained about by saying why not try to kill the Dr instead. Its my feeling that, after all of them trying and failing to destroy the Dr many times, they decided to dupe and contain him. This could be because its a route they havent tried and believe that if they try to eliminate him again, they will fail. Altogther a fantasic episode with brilliant writing and pacing which leaves you shocked and unsure at how the Doctor is going to fix it this time. That feeling is a bit lost when the Doctor is back in action less than 10 minutes into the next episode! Oh and before I forget, all of the actors are amazing, as they have been all of this series. Matt Smith is fast becoming my favourite Doctor, an old man in a young body whose general enthusiasm is infectious. Apart from this, Matts Doctor has a softer side to him and feels like an alien trying to fit in which leads to some hilarious situations. Amy and Rory are a touching, sweet couple who have genuine on screen chemistry coupled with them being fantastic characters in their own right (and being the first married couple to travel with the Dr). They both bounce off of the Dr and leads him to genuine care about both of them, more so Amy whom he seems to be overly protective of (as is Rory). The Doctor comes to trust both of them immensely and the fact that to the Dr they are Mr and Mrs Pond is very funny and shows who wears the boots in this new Tardis team. River Song, as in the previous series, is a strong mysterious character who just gives you just enough information to trust her but not enough to know who or what she is. This just makes her all the more interesting and leaves people dying to know exactly what she is. We wont have to wait long though as all is to be revealed in series 6!

Honorable Mention:The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone and Amys Choice

All of these epsiodes are right up there with the best of series 5. The first two parter is an excellent follow up to Moffats Blink in series 3, bringing back the Angels as timeless enemies whom are ruthless with what they want to achieve (the restoration of the old statues and their determination to feed the crack in time with the Doctor). The beginning of Flesh and Stone is face paced and heart racing as the Dr tries to escape the Angels which are following the team. The acting is as always fantastic, with River Song once again being the highlight of the episodes. The big reveal that the crack leads back to Amys time is both interesting and begs you wanting answers.
Amys Choice is a brilliant, surreal episode where the dastardly Dream Lord traps the Tardis crew into two situations. One is a dream and one is real, its up to them to find out which one is which. Its a gripping story with some amazing comedy (Rorys ponytail, Amys massive bump and the Dr wearing a knitted jumper) and a very effective villain who seems to be unbeatable and immensley powerful. The reveal of his identity is an excellent twist and one that you may not be expecting. I'm hoping we will get to see him again as he is an interesting, twisted individual who loves to play with the minds of the Tardis team.

1 comment:

  1. Fav epp from series 5 for me is probably either Vincent and the Doctor or Amy's Choice or The Eleventh Hour, cant pick.

    As for Honorable Mention, same 2 parter you chose.

    The crack in time was cool if a little obvious (others such as Bad word, Torchwood and Saxon twere not), and we still doing know what silence will fall means..:D
