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Monday 14 February 2011

Doctor Who Week: Series one

Welcome one and all to Dr Who week!!

I will be attempting to explain my favourite episodes from the start of the new series (2005,) as well as giving honorable mentions to the stand out episodes of that season.

So lets get this show underway and start with:

Series One

Favourite episode: The Parting of the Ways

The swan song of the ninth Dr is such a brilliant stand out episode that shows the selflessness of the Doctor and just how fantastic Christopher Eccleston was in the role.
This episode is my favourite for a number of reasons. Firstly it shows the Dr putting everyone else before himself. He tries to save as many people as possible before resigning to the fact that people (and the human race) are willing to fight to survive, even if victory looks impossible and bleak. It shows how the Dr is able to influence people to help in any situation, no matter the consequences.

Secondly, we have the triumphant return of the Daleks who always make Doctor Who a joy to watch From a visual effects point of view, viewers were treated to a massive army of Daleks and Dalek spaceships. At the time of broadcast, it was the most expansive view of a Dalek army that had yet been portrayed on screen. The dialogue between the Dr and the Dalek Emperor is pitch perfect Going from courage, to fear, to complete resignation before the Doctor is completely surrounded by Daleks. The Dalek Emperor knows the Doctor would never risk all the humans on Earth by firing the Delta Wave, to which the Doctor proclaims he would rather be a coward then a killer any day. Its such a brilliant moment that defines the Doctor as a saviour and survivor of the Time War, rather than his personal viewpoint of him being a killer of his own and the Dalek race.

Thirdly, Roses role in the episode is a character defining moment. Russell T Davies shows how determined she is as a person to save/help the Doctor, and how completely she believes her life is meant to be spent with the Doctor. Even if that means dying with him! The revelation that it is Rose who, whilst posessed by the heart of the Tardis, scatters the words Bad Wolf through time and space is a brilliant reveal. Also, I personally love how Rose just disintegrates the Dalek fleet with a thought, whilst also bringing Captain Jack back to life but accidently forever. It shows how strong a person Rose is and how, whilst slowly burning up and dying, she still has some control over the heart of the Tardis and uses it for her personal gains. It shows Roses willpower and determination to help/save the Doctor even whilst slowly dying from unimaginable power. This moment eventually leads to my fourth and final point...

The regeneration of the ninth doctor to the tenth is an amazingly poignant and heartfelt moment which shows once again, just how selfless and caring the Doctor truly is.The Doctor knows that the power will kill her, so he pulls her close and kisses her, drawing the energy into himself (whilst saying the brilliant line of "Come here, I think you need a Doctor!"). As Rose falls unconscious, the Doctor releases the vortex energies back into the TARDIS. Whilst back on the Tardis, the energies from the vortex are slowly causing the Dr to regenerate. The final lines from the ninth Dr are both touching and heartfelt, whilst also affirming his self assurance and deep affection for Rose. I wont go on anymore, just watch and enjoy :)

All together a touching, emotional and amazing series finale!

Honorable mentions: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

The first episodes of the new series written by a certain Mr Steven Moffat, are a scary and engrossing ride, showing how adept Moffat is at writing a deep and emotional story. Whilst this and his other episodes are evidence why Moffat was the right person to take over from RT Davies from Series 5 onwards, this two parter also introduces us to a certain Captain Jack Harkness and the first of many of Moffats terrifying new enemies!


  1. Yea, was a very good series finale, series 1 i think is my fav, lots of good epps, Chris was very good and the trio of Rose, Jack and the Doctor worked very well!!

  2. I loved Eccleston as the Dr. Was gutted when he decided to leave at the end of the first series as I thought that there was so much more he could have done. And I agree about the Trio of Jack, Rose and the Dr. They really seemed to gel well and bounce off of each other. What are your other fave episodes?

  3. Of series 1?

    Boom Town, loved that.

    The aliens of London and World War three.

    Dalek was good, Eccleston was very good in that reveal Dalek scene. In fact pretty much every episode lol.

    I also loved the bad word series ark. Looking for little clues.
