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Wednesday 16 February 2011

Doctor Who Week: Day 3

Series 3

Favourite episode(s): Utopia/The sound of drums/The last of the Timelords

I have to admit, choosing a favourite episode from series 3 was a difficult one for me. Mainly because I regard series 3 as my favourite from the Russell T Davies/David Tennant era. Why do I love it so much? I can't really put my finger on it. Could be beacuse series 3 is the point where I actually started to love Doctor Who, or the fact that I think Martha is a brilliant companion. More than likely though its because there are so many great episodes from this series and also heralds the return of the Doctors biggest enemies: The Master!
John Simm plays the Master as a laughing, cocky and devious villiain and he looks like he is having the time of his life being the bad guy! It was a shame we didn't see much of Derek Jacobi as the reawakend Master as the few minutes that he gets before the regeneration scene ooze charisma and down right anger. Both actors play their parts brilliantly and come across as true continuations of the classic Master. Factor into these episodes the return of Captain Jack, a few shocking suprises (Yana, The toclafane and their identites and the year that never was) engrossing acting all round and the chemistry between Simm and Tennat, and you have a wicked story that really ties up nicely at the end.
If I had a few gripes it would be with the treatment of the Doctor, especially in Last of the Timelords, as he gets physically aged to his 900 years and looks like a wimpy gollum. Plus the fact that the reveal of why Martha was really going round the World is a bit sickly sweet even for Doctor Who. And the whole chanting and religious imagery of the Doctor rising from his cage and being totally forgiving is a bit of an anti climax and leaves a bad taste in your mouth (not the fact that the Doctor forgives the Master, more to the way that the Doctor returns to his normal self and actually floats!). Add to this the departure of Martha and its a bit of unhappy ending, but hey, thems the brakes. Plus I know it needed to happen to show just how strong a person Martha is and it also means we can have the return of the fantastic Donna Noble next series :)

Honorable Mention: Blink, 42, Human Nature/Family of Blood
Yes I know, thats 4 epsodes up there, but what you gonna do ;)
I cant say anything new or interesting that hasn't been said about Blink. Just go, watch it and enjoy the story.
42 is one of those adventures that happens in real time, The Doctor and Martha have 42 minutes to save a ship that is falling into a star. Its a fast paced, no nonsense story that keeps you gripped right the way through, plus the effective bad guy and good acting from the guest stars help keep this story fresh and unique.
Human Nature/Family of Blood introduces us to the chamelon arch which makes a Timelord human for all intents and purposes and stores their true self inside a pocket watch with an added perception filter. This story (based off of a seventh Doctor novelisation called Human Nature) is both original and intriguing and the love that blossoms between John Smith and Joan Redfurn is realistic and touching. But also sad as we know the Doctor has to return to save the day and the people around him. The bad guys (the family of blood) are both effective and determined villains who, with the use of a vortex manipualtor, can follow the Dr anywhere. The pay off is the fact they short lifespans, which causes the Dr to hide out as a human until they die of naturally causes.  The big reveal is that the Dr isn't running away to save himself, hes running to save the family of blood. Mainly because if they cross the Doctor, he will have to destroy them all or trap them for eternity. Its a nice twist that shows that the Dr even cares about the welfare of the people who would want to destroy him.

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