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Wednesday 9 February 2011

My top 5 anticipated games of 2011

Here are my top 5 anticipated games of 2011 and why...
In no particular order:

1. Marvel Vs Capcom 3
After a 10 year wait, the sequel to one of my most loved games ever is finally almost here! I have enjoyed all of the Capcom vs games so far but their games vs the Marvel universe have been my faves . Capcom have managed to make number 3 of the series the most over the top and cameo filled yet, not to mention they have finally added my favourite Marvel character (Jean Grey) to the already extensive roster (which also includes She-Hulk, Taskmaster, Wesker and Dante from Devil May Cry). The game is almost here (Release date 18th of this month) and I will no doubt spend most of the week following its release absorbed in the fate of two worlds! Expect a review after my thorough play test and my thumbs stop bleeding ;)

2. Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
For me, the fun that comes from playing most games is when you can play side by side with your friends and take on the World. Everyone of the themed lego games so far have been brilliant, funny and even heart warming at times. Which is exceptional for a game series that has no voice overs and can only convey how they feel by using over animated expressions. Obviously, with my obsession all things Star Wars, I had the most fun playing these games when compared to the other licenses i.e Indiana Jones and Harry Potter. Admittedly I am not the biggest fan of the recent clone wars series (mainly due to the fact all the clone war battles were documented in the gap between episodes 2 and 3. Yet this series makes up battles that were never talked about and a new main character that is never mentioned in any other media.. yes I mean Ahsoka!) But because every Lego game so far has been such a blast to play alongside my loved ones, I cannot wait to play to test this bad boy out! Plus the graphics and levels have been giving a much needed update and look gorgeous.

3. Mortal Kombat
As a guy who was around when the whole video game nasty craze started, I loved playing Mortal Kombat and watching the blood fly! Seeing the extreme gore and death moves for the first time will always be a strong memory for me. At the time it was so extreme and adult that every teenager wanted to have a go at it and learn how to pull off these awesome moves. For me the series peaked at number 2 and slowly went down hill from there. It did peak again with Deadly Alliance but then they relaeased Armageddon which was hands down the worst MK games so far. Even worse that number 4 (but not as bad as Mythologies.... that was awful!). This game storyline is Raidens attempt to travel back to the time of the first three games and avert what happend later in the series. Already it sounds like a trip down memory lane to the time of the better games (which it is). Seeing the graphics, playable characters and full on bloody moves (including the wince inducing X-Ray attacks), has given me renewed faith in the flagging series. I for one can't wait to get my hands on this and start memorising all the inputs for the fatalities, moves and combos.. just like I did when I was younger :)

4. Star Wars: The Old Republic
After playing the God awful Star Wars: Galaxies, I was unsure about another game that would present the Star Wars World as a full online RPG. My fears subsided and interest rose when I heard the name of the company who would be developing the game. One word.... Bioware. For those who don't know who Bioware are, they are the creators of such brilliant games as Baldurs Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect and the amazing Knights of the Old Republic. Upon learning that the game will take place 300 years after KOTOR and will continue the storyline that was left open at the end of KOTOR2: The Sith Lords, I was completely sold on the game. Even though I knew I wanted the game just based on those facts, the following were just icing on the cake:
Fully voiced script and characters (including co-op dialogue), a first in MMORPGs
Gorgeous graphics
Exciting planets such as Illum, Corellia, Coruscant and Korriban
Diverse classes ranging from a Sith Warrior to a Jedi Knight and a Smuggler to a Bounty Hunter
So yeah, the game can't come quick enough lol

5. Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception
The uncharted series has been one of my absolute favourites of the current gen ever since I sat down and played straight through the first game of the series. It was one of the most cinematic, eventful and down right fun games I had ever played and I am glad to say, one of the reasons I wanted a PS3. Yeah it was too short, as was the seque l(which was even more cinematic and had a brilliant co-op and online battle mode). But sadly thats just the way with most games these days. At least the Uncharted series could keep you coming back for more, with unlockable skins and levels just begging to be explored again and again. Its because of these reasons that I am looking forward to part three of the series. Nolan North, who provides Drakes voice in the series, makes Drake such a loveable rogue of a character that you just want to join him in his adventures to see how events unfold. He really is the Indiana Jones of the gaming world, minus the whip. I look forward to the next installment with much excitement :D

So there you are, 5 of my most anticipated games of the coming year. I could write a list of 20 but thought I would keep it short and sweet... well until I had to give my reasons haha. So what are your top 5 games of the year ahead? Anyone else excited about the same games as me? Let me know :D

1 comment:

  1. My top anticipated games of 2011 consists of just Nintendo! Especially games in 3DS!
    I'm just gonna let you guess who I am...muahahaha!
