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Tuesday 8 February 2011

First ever blog!

Greetings true believers, skywalker540 here.  Im a 27 year old guy from Manchester but living near Brighton... but I am and always will be northaner through and through haha. I don't know what you were expecting when you clicked on my blog but hopefully you won't be too bored and maybe even slightly interested!

First of all I want to use this section of cyber space to express myself as best I can, whilst also sharing my passion for certain things and hopefully, making it an enjoyable read. Whilst we are on the subject of interests, I will list my main ones now for your enjoyment :)
In no particular order:

Comics (Marvel, DC and Indie comics)
Video Games (I own the current gen consoles as well as a few treasures from the past)
Reading (I always have about 3 books on the go at the same time.. its the only way to get through my mountain of unread books!)
Films (I like all kinds of films from comedy to thriller to fantasy)
Music (Again, too many likes to mention)
Art/Tattoos (I draw and paint badly, secretly hoping I will get better lol)
Socialising (You can never see your friends too many times)
Dr Who/Torchwood (I am a late comer to the who universe, but I love everything about it)
Star Wars (Yeah I know, a film right? But I love so much about it, its its entity :D)

And I think thats about the most of it so far.  I will aim to update this thing as often as possible, at the very least once a week! But don't hold me too that haha.  Well that's it really! I also am considering using this blog as a place to review and give my personal opinion my favourite (and not so favourite!) films, tv episode, games and comics/books.  I really would love to build up a base of followers/lurkers with whom I can share my views with and have some wicked discussions about shared interests and loves :)

For now I will sign off, but I be back online soon enough... Excelsior! :D

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