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Sunday 27 February 2011

New Thundercats Trailer

Above is the new trailer for the upcoming re-imagining of one of my favourite childhood cartoons, Thundercats!
I'm taking this with a pinch of salt and will give my full opinion on this reboot when the episodes start coming in later this year. But I will say this, the animation looks great (and Snarf looks cute!). Couple this with a great voice director and the fact that this series seems to be using alot of what made the original great.
That is Mumm-Ra and all the main characters are in, the Sword of Omens and other well known weapons are in and it just looks like a great cartoon. I was a massive fan of the latest He-Man series and was more than disappointed when they cancelled that show as I thought it was brilliant and actually going somewhere with the story.
Also, they have kept the Eye of Thundera/Main logo the same. And thats a fantastic plus point ;)

Saturday 26 February 2011

Murmurs Of Middle-Earth (Lord of the Rings) - Pogo

Feast your ears on this awesome remixing of the Lord of the Rings :)

We Dare - Have a spicy evening! (HD)

Ummm words fail me after watching this vid...
We live in dire times when this is classed as a game, let alone a sexy one! We Dare is only coming out on Europe too, which says alot! I just don't see how anyone would want to pay for a "game" like this. Its just hilarious!!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Doctor Who Experience

Last Sunday I was fortunate to go to the new Doctor Who Experience in London on opening day. In the middle of kids and parents were the loyal whovians and other who had obviously grown up with the show.
After being led through some costumes and sets from the show we were all lined up to enter the experience. The first 5 minutes consist of you watching a video that turns into one of the infamous cracks in time and opens to lead you in to starship UK from the Beast Below. I won't ruin this tour as I don't want people to be spoiled about it. All I will say is the sets are brilliant and the added bonus of new content spoken by Matt Smith himself fully immerses you into the experience. Yeah the "plot" of the tour is a bit unimaginative and it could have been alot longer. All the kids there enjoyed the hell out of it and were laughing and screaming all the way through.
After the experience finishes in a 3D finale, you are led into the actual exhibition of the event. This place is chock full of authentic pieces and replicas of monsters and the Drs tech, which are all amazing to get close to them. Plus the fact they have two Tardis' and interiors as well as all the outfits for 11 Drs and the companions since the shows return in 2005.
All in all its a fantastic day out and I would def recommend it to any Dr Who fan and especially the kids who enjoy the show. All of the kids I saw were completley stunned and smiling all the way through. Go and treat yourself ;) Oh and if you want to see pics from the exhibit (not the actual experience tour) then click on my flickr link over there >>>>>>>>>>

Friday 18 February 2011

Doctor Who Week: Day 5

Series 5
Favourite episode: The Pandorica Opens
Firstly, I've picked only one half of a two parter as there are elements that make the first part of the story better than the second in my opinion. Although the big bang does have some excellent wibbly wobbly timey wimey bits, the Dr in a Fez with a mop, the brilliant return of the Doctor after closing the cracks in time and the added mystery to River Song. What elevates the Pandorica Opens over the Big Bang are a few things:

The spine tingling heroic speech that the Doctor gives to his enimies whilst trying to work out what the Pandorica is (probably the most uplifting speech the Dr has ever given)
The unexpected twist at what the Pandorica is built for and why it is opening
The return of Rory
The always fantastic River Song trying to warn the Dr through time
The begining with all of the Doctors past friends from this series, from Van Gough (and the amazing painting) to Churchill all the way up to Liz 10
The final moments of the episode where all the stars go out and silence has fallen (not to mention the rather creepy voice of the "silence" during the Tardis' touchdown in 2010.

Not to mention the reason why the Alliance and the end of the episode has formed, which alot of people have complained about by saying why not try to kill the Dr instead. Its my feeling that, after all of them trying and failing to destroy the Dr many times, they decided to dupe and contain him. This could be because its a route they havent tried and believe that if they try to eliminate him again, they will fail. Altogther a fantasic episode with brilliant writing and pacing which leaves you shocked and unsure at how the Doctor is going to fix it this time. That feeling is a bit lost when the Doctor is back in action less than 10 minutes into the next episode! Oh and before I forget, all of the actors are amazing, as they have been all of this series. Matt Smith is fast becoming my favourite Doctor, an old man in a young body whose general enthusiasm is infectious. Apart from this, Matts Doctor has a softer side to him and feels like an alien trying to fit in which leads to some hilarious situations. Amy and Rory are a touching, sweet couple who have genuine on screen chemistry coupled with them being fantastic characters in their own right (and being the first married couple to travel with the Dr). They both bounce off of the Dr and leads him to genuine care about both of them, more so Amy whom he seems to be overly protective of (as is Rory). The Doctor comes to trust both of them immensely and the fact that to the Dr they are Mr and Mrs Pond is very funny and shows who wears the boots in this new Tardis team. River Song, as in the previous series, is a strong mysterious character who just gives you just enough information to trust her but not enough to know who or what she is. This just makes her all the more interesting and leaves people dying to know exactly what she is. We wont have to wait long though as all is to be revealed in series 6!

Honorable Mention:The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone and Amys Choice

All of these epsiodes are right up there with the best of series 5. The first two parter is an excellent follow up to Moffats Blink in series 3, bringing back the Angels as timeless enemies whom are ruthless with what they want to achieve (the restoration of the old statues and their determination to feed the crack in time with the Doctor). The beginning of Flesh and Stone is face paced and heart racing as the Dr tries to escape the Angels which are following the team. The acting is as always fantastic, with River Song once again being the highlight of the episodes. The big reveal that the crack leads back to Amys time is both interesting and begs you wanting answers.
Amys Choice is a brilliant, surreal episode where the dastardly Dream Lord traps the Tardis crew into two situations. One is a dream and one is real, its up to them to find out which one is which. Its a gripping story with some amazing comedy (Rorys ponytail, Amys massive bump and the Dr wearing a knitted jumper) and a very effective villain who seems to be unbeatable and immensley powerful. The reveal of his identity is an excellent twist and one that you may not be expecting. I'm hoping we will get to see him again as he is an interesting, twisted individual who loves to play with the minds of the Tardis team.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Doctor Who Week: Day 4

Series 4
Favourite episode: Midnight
This episode has to be one of my favourite stories in all of Doctor Who. It shows what a good writer Russell T Davies actually is, and how quickly things can escalate when things go wrong. From the light comedy of the first 10 minutes, to the end of the tour where everyone is deathly silent, the story keeps you hooked right the way through. It also goes to show how you can have an effective monster of the week without even showing what the monster is (not unlike the later Torchwood aliens the 456). Add to this a confined space with no outside views and the episode takes on a rather bleak and hopeless feel, which just adds to the creepy nature of the unknown. Having a monster that you never see but which copies whatever someone says and slowly becomes aware of how to manipulate people is very creepy. As is the copying of everyone until it zones in on the Doctor and slowly starts to take over his mind and starts to speak before he does. The acting is just brilliant throughout, and effectively shows the worst (the willingness to sacrifice everyone for your own survival) and the best of humanity (willingness to sacrifice yourself for the survival of others), and how everyone has a selfish and selfless side. Its what we choose to do that makes us who we are. The fact that no-one even knows the name of stewardess who saved them all, makes her sacrifice even more poignant. The tooing and frowing of the dialogue between The Doctor and Mrs Silvestry is amazing and shows just how many lines they had to both learn to show the "alien" effectively. Its a fantastic episode and deserves to be watched and admired.

Honorable mention: Turn Left/The Stolen Earth/Journeys End and The Silence in the Library/The Forest of the Dead

I can't really bring anything new to the already glowing reviews of the final 3 episodes of Series 4, but will highlight my favourite bits. Turn left is a Dr lite episode that show cases Donna and how a simple change in the direction of her car one day completly causes a new timeline to be created. In this timeline, the Dr dies in the confrontation with the Racnoss on Christmas Day as without Donna there to stop him, he drowns whilst draining the Thames. The whole new universe that is created is a bleak sad future where the Earth is unrpotected due to the death of the Dr and even his ex companions are dead or die heroically. Catherine Tate is marvelous in this episode and brings a sadness to Donna that is sometimes overlooked in favour of her more confrontational/bubbly personality.
The Stolen Earth and Journeys End brilliantly wraps up everything from the series 1 through 4. I will just highlight my likings instead of rambling again:
The return of Rose, Mickey and Jackie. As well as Harriet Jones (former PM)
The showing of Torchwood three and Gwen, Jack and Ianto helping out
The fake regeneration of the Doctor
The return of Davros and Dalek Caan
The uplifting and joyous scene of the Dr and his companions flying the Tardis whilst towing home the Earth
The Meta Crisis Dr and the Dr Donna
Rose finally getting her man.. in a roundabout way ;)
The sad ending with the "death" of Donna and the Dr, now alone.

Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead shows us the first story featuring River Song, who would become more known for travelling with the 11th Dr. The fact that this is her last meeting with the Dr whilst it is his first meeting with River, opens up the possiblity for many a story and nicely shows how one of the Drs companions is actually out of sync with his timeline. The aliens in this story (the vashta nerada), excellently play on people fears of the dark and shadows. And how in every shadow or sunlight, when you see speaks of dust, they are really the vashta nerada waiting to feed. The sacrifice of River to save the Dr is a lovely moment and goes to show how strong a character she is (will become) but also adds an air of mystery to her personality. The fake World with Donna having a family is heartbreaking when she has to leave as everyone is being uploaded back to the library. The last scene where her "husband" in the real World sees her and tries to shout her as she walks off, only to stutter and fail is a tear jerking moment. All in all a good episode and another winner from Mr Moffat :D

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Doctor Who Week: Day 3

Series 3

Favourite episode(s): Utopia/The sound of drums/The last of the Timelords

I have to admit, choosing a favourite episode from series 3 was a difficult one for me. Mainly because I regard series 3 as my favourite from the Russell T Davies/David Tennant era. Why do I love it so much? I can't really put my finger on it. Could be beacuse series 3 is the point where I actually started to love Doctor Who, or the fact that I think Martha is a brilliant companion. More than likely though its because there are so many great episodes from this series and also heralds the return of the Doctors biggest enemies: The Master!
John Simm plays the Master as a laughing, cocky and devious villiain and he looks like he is having the time of his life being the bad guy! It was a shame we didn't see much of Derek Jacobi as the reawakend Master as the few minutes that he gets before the regeneration scene ooze charisma and down right anger. Both actors play their parts brilliantly and come across as true continuations of the classic Master. Factor into these episodes the return of Captain Jack, a few shocking suprises (Yana, The toclafane and their identites and the year that never was) engrossing acting all round and the chemistry between Simm and Tennat, and you have a wicked story that really ties up nicely at the end.
If I had a few gripes it would be with the treatment of the Doctor, especially in Last of the Timelords, as he gets physically aged to his 900 years and looks like a wimpy gollum. Plus the fact that the reveal of why Martha was really going round the World is a bit sickly sweet even for Doctor Who. And the whole chanting and religious imagery of the Doctor rising from his cage and being totally forgiving is a bit of an anti climax and leaves a bad taste in your mouth (not the fact that the Doctor forgives the Master, more to the way that the Doctor returns to his normal self and actually floats!). Add to this the departure of Martha and its a bit of unhappy ending, but hey, thems the brakes. Plus I know it needed to happen to show just how strong a person Martha is and it also means we can have the return of the fantastic Donna Noble next series :)

Honorable Mention: Blink, 42, Human Nature/Family of Blood
Yes I know, thats 4 epsodes up there, but what you gonna do ;)
I cant say anything new or interesting that hasn't been said about Blink. Just go, watch it and enjoy the story.
42 is one of those adventures that happens in real time, The Doctor and Martha have 42 minutes to save a ship that is falling into a star. Its a fast paced, no nonsense story that keeps you gripped right the way through, plus the effective bad guy and good acting from the guest stars help keep this story fresh and unique.
Human Nature/Family of Blood introduces us to the chamelon arch which makes a Timelord human for all intents and purposes and stores their true self inside a pocket watch with an added perception filter. This story (based off of a seventh Doctor novelisation called Human Nature) is both original and intriguing and the love that blossoms between John Smith and Joan Redfurn is realistic and touching. But also sad as we know the Doctor has to return to save the day and the people around him. The bad guys (the family of blood) are both effective and determined villains who, with the use of a vortex manipualtor, can follow the Dr anywhere. The pay off is the fact they short lifespans, which causes the Dr to hide out as a human until they die of naturally causes.  The big reveal is that the Dr isn't running away to save himself, hes running to save the family of blood. Mainly because if they cross the Doctor, he will have to destroy them all or trap them for eternity. Its a nice twist that shows that the Dr even cares about the welfare of the people who would want to destroy him.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

The Amazing Spider-Man July 3rd 2012, does whatever a Spider can!

Yesterday we got our first look at Andrew Garfield in the full Spider-Man costume, as well as a title and release date.

Below is the full picture, which I think looks incredible. I was one of the people who wasn't sold on the costume after seeing pictures of it from afar whilst they were shooting a stunt sequence. But being able to see it in a full blown HD pic makes it look.. pardon the pun, amazing! I think it has a Scarlet Spider feel about it, and at last, we have mechanical webshooters!! I was a supporter of the organic shooters from the Raimi films, but that doesn't mean I can't love the idea of mechanical shooters. It goes along way to show just how smart Peter is.

I know I will be inline on release day... now we just need a trailer haha

Doctor Who Week: Day two

Series 2

Favourite episode: The idiots Lantern
Now, I can't fully explain why this epsiode is my favourite from series 2. Maybe it was the first episode of the new series that I saw or maybe its because Mark Gatiss is a great writer. But what I think makes this my favourite story of series 2 is just that its down right fun!

From the Doctor and Rose pretending to be Royal inspectors right down to the creepiness of a human with a featureless face, this episode has many stand out moments. I also love the setting of the 50's and even the Doctor and Rose's outfits! The coronation of Queen Elizabeth is such an excellent event to base the story around that I am suprised no one has thought of it before. The way everyone comes together at the end in a massive street party to celebrate such a historic moment is both touching and a prime example of the sense of community that we are missing today. Not forgetting the delicious Maureen Lipman as the villainous Wire! Her motherly tones and kind gestures give way the cunning and cockiness to a devious lifeform who wants nothing more than to satisfy her "hunger". She is both chilling and gloriously watchable.

So there you have it, a random choice I know but it's good to mix things up a bit ;)

Honorable mention: Doomsday.
The season finale of series two answers the question that geeks around the World always wanted to know.... who would win in a battle? The Daleks or the Cybermen?
Answer: Well the Daleks really but it did even out a bit near the end ;)

The confidence and over blown ego of the Daleks is a joy to watch, and they get all the best lines i.e
Cyberman: You have declared war on the Cybermen
Dalek Sec: This is not war, this is pest control!
Cyberman: We have five million cybermen, how many are you?!
Dalek Sec:..... 4
Cyberman: You would destory the cybermen with 4 Daleks?!
Dalek Sec: We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek!

The "war" is brilliant to watch and the fx department have done a bang up job with the battle sequences. The ending of the partnesrhip of Rose and the Doctor is heart warming and heart breaking at the same time. The part where Rose comes back to the Doctor to be with him over her family is all the more sad when she the gets taken back to the parallel world less than 10 minutes later with no way back to the man she loves and is totally devoted to. Billie Piper and David Tennant totally sell the love between the two characters and the final goodbye on Bad Wolf bay is a stand out moment due to its sadness and sense of loss. Obviously this all changes a little bit in series 4, but I will get to that on Thursday lol. And the first apperance of Donna is a great suprise moment at the end of the episode, with Davids Doctor speaking his now famous "What? What?? What?!" line :D

Monday 14 February 2011

Doctor Who Week: Series one

Welcome one and all to Dr Who week!!

I will be attempting to explain my favourite episodes from the start of the new series (2005,) as well as giving honorable mentions to the stand out episodes of that season.

So lets get this show underway and start with:

Series One

Favourite episode: The Parting of the Ways

The swan song of the ninth Dr is such a brilliant stand out episode that shows the selflessness of the Doctor and just how fantastic Christopher Eccleston was in the role.
This episode is my favourite for a number of reasons. Firstly it shows the Dr putting everyone else before himself. He tries to save as many people as possible before resigning to the fact that people (and the human race) are willing to fight to survive, even if victory looks impossible and bleak. It shows how the Dr is able to influence people to help in any situation, no matter the consequences.

Secondly, we have the triumphant return of the Daleks who always make Doctor Who a joy to watch From a visual effects point of view, viewers were treated to a massive army of Daleks and Dalek spaceships. At the time of broadcast, it was the most expansive view of a Dalek army that had yet been portrayed on screen. The dialogue between the Dr and the Dalek Emperor is pitch perfect Going from courage, to fear, to complete resignation before the Doctor is completely surrounded by Daleks. The Dalek Emperor knows the Doctor would never risk all the humans on Earth by firing the Delta Wave, to which the Doctor proclaims he would rather be a coward then a killer any day. Its such a brilliant moment that defines the Doctor as a saviour and survivor of the Time War, rather than his personal viewpoint of him being a killer of his own and the Dalek race.

Thirdly, Roses role in the episode is a character defining moment. Russell T Davies shows how determined she is as a person to save/help the Doctor, and how completely she believes her life is meant to be spent with the Doctor. Even if that means dying with him! The revelation that it is Rose who, whilst posessed by the heart of the Tardis, scatters the words Bad Wolf through time and space is a brilliant reveal. Also, I personally love how Rose just disintegrates the Dalek fleet with a thought, whilst also bringing Captain Jack back to life but accidently forever. It shows how strong a person Rose is and how, whilst slowly burning up and dying, she still has some control over the heart of the Tardis and uses it for her personal gains. It shows Roses willpower and determination to help/save the Doctor even whilst slowly dying from unimaginable power. This moment eventually leads to my fourth and final point...

The regeneration of the ninth doctor to the tenth is an amazingly poignant and heartfelt moment which shows once again, just how selfless and caring the Doctor truly is.The Doctor knows that the power will kill her, so he pulls her close and kisses her, drawing the energy into himself (whilst saying the brilliant line of "Come here, I think you need a Doctor!"). As Rose falls unconscious, the Doctor releases the vortex energies back into the TARDIS. Whilst back on the Tardis, the energies from the vortex are slowly causing the Dr to regenerate. The final lines from the ninth Dr are both touching and heartfelt, whilst also affirming his self assurance and deep affection for Rose. I wont go on anymore, just watch and enjoy :)

All together a touching, emotional and amazing series finale!

Honorable mentions: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

The first episodes of the new series written by a certain Mr Steven Moffat, are a scary and engrossing ride, showing how adept Moffat is at writing a deep and emotional story. Whilst this and his other episodes are evidence why Moffat was the right person to take over from RT Davies from Series 5 onwards, this two parter also introduces us to a certain Captain Jack Harkness and the first of many of Moffats terrifying new enemies!

Saturday 12 February 2011

Next week....

Howdy all! How are we today? Well I hope :D

Just a heads up that next weekend I will be attending the Dr Who Experience in London, on opening day no less woop!

In preparation for this, I will be listing my favourite episodes from all 5 of the new series (2005 - present). Each day will be a different series, starting with Series One and I will reveal my favourite episode per series and why. Also if I feel that there are worthy runners up, then I will give them an honorable mention too :)
Just to whet your appetite, heres an amazing video showcasing all of the variations of the Doctor Who theme, from 1963 up until 2010. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend people and will see you on Monday!

Mario Paint - Doctor Who Theme (2010)

Friday 11 February 2011

X-Men first class trailer!!

Ok, after watching the trailer a few times I think that it doesn't look half bad.

There are good and bad points about the teaser and I will list my likes and dislikes instead of rambling on:

Magneto looks amazingly bad ass, I love how he is using his powers how ever he chooses (nice helmet too!).
The 1960s setting feels right and looks very true to the original comics (and seems set during the Cuban missile crisis)
Its nice to see the prototypes of Cerebro, and the origins of Beast also being covered.
The blue and yellow costumes look brilliant, sadly I've heard they don't use them much in the final cut
Mcavoy and Fassbender look the part and seem to bounce off each other very well

Why so many random mutants (Azazel, Angel Salvadore, Havok) ?! I don't see why we have Cyclops' brother and Nightcrawlers father as part of the movies original mutants (x-men). Obviously, they might not be referred to as that in the film. At least we have Beast as a reference to the original 5 of the comics!
It feels a bit forced, and I hate the "before he was" lines, very cheesy.
Emma Frost being.. well Emma Frost. I love how she is finally being represented but didn't we already have a rather bad Emma Frost in X-Men Origins: Wolverine?! She was even called that on screen. So how do they excuse that?
I've heard that its very different than the film trilogy and doesn't exactly fit in with the timeline already established. But the director has said that there are some nods to the other films. So why add footage from X-Men into the bloody trailer?! Plus, theres a clear shot of Magneto in his X-Men duds!
Again with the ties to the trilogy, in the first film Xavier actually says how Jean, Scott and Ororo were his first students... umm not any more by the looks of it. And, they have the exact same blackbird jet as they do in X-Men 2... set 40 years later!

I will stop going on now as I feel I am rambling but after watching the trailer a few times, I have to say I am excited about the film. What else can I say? I am an X-Men fan boy through and through and any film about my favourite team of mutants gets me hot under the collar.
Whist the film looks nothing like the others, I will say this... McAvoy and Fassbender are excellent choices and seem to gel into a believable friendship come rivalry. Matthew Vaughn (the director) has excellent credentials and can make brilliant films. He was also the original director of X-Men 3 and has also done Kick Ass and Stardust, two films which are highly thought of with fans and critics. I also love the set designs and I would be lying if I didn't say I got pumped to see the Mansion and nods to the comics. I will leave it at that and look forward to seeing the film when it released on June 3rd.

To view the trailer click title of this post :)

Thursday 10 February 2011

The Battle for Bricks


Ok.... this has just multiplied my excitment for this game 10 fold! I am loving everything about this trailer... maybe with the exception of Ahsoka but hey ho, can't have everything. My favourite bit has to be the Skywalkers deathly tango on Geonosis ;)

X-Men First Class

Hey all!
Just a quick update to let everyone know that the first trailer for Fox's upcoming film X-Men: First Class will be released tomorrow on the official Facebook page. This news was twinned with a new shiny logo for the films Xavier Institute and a very interesting picture of Magneto (from behind) in what appears to be an early danger room set. Also, he seems to be wearing his costume from the X-Men trilogy... which could either mean
A) He dons the costume during the film, a full 40 years before X-Men is set or
B) This Magneto is nearer the one played by Ian McKellen, which could either mean a flash forward or some of the film being told in flashback
As I said... very interesting!

Check back with me tomorrow to read my thoughts and opinions on the teaser trailer, after I have watched it a few times :)

Wednesday 9 February 2011

My top 5 anticipated games of 2011

Here are my top 5 anticipated games of 2011 and why...
In no particular order:

1. Marvel Vs Capcom 3
After a 10 year wait, the sequel to one of my most loved games ever is finally almost here! I have enjoyed all of the Capcom vs games so far but their games vs the Marvel universe have been my faves . Capcom have managed to make number 3 of the series the most over the top and cameo filled yet, not to mention they have finally added my favourite Marvel character (Jean Grey) to the already extensive roster (which also includes She-Hulk, Taskmaster, Wesker and Dante from Devil May Cry). The game is almost here (Release date 18th of this month) and I will no doubt spend most of the week following its release absorbed in the fate of two worlds! Expect a review after my thorough play test and my thumbs stop bleeding ;)

2. Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars
For me, the fun that comes from playing most games is when you can play side by side with your friends and take on the World. Everyone of the themed lego games so far have been brilliant, funny and even heart warming at times. Which is exceptional for a game series that has no voice overs and can only convey how they feel by using over animated expressions. Obviously, with my obsession all things Star Wars, I had the most fun playing these games when compared to the other licenses i.e Indiana Jones and Harry Potter. Admittedly I am not the biggest fan of the recent clone wars series (mainly due to the fact all the clone war battles were documented in the gap between episodes 2 and 3. Yet this series makes up battles that were never talked about and a new main character that is never mentioned in any other media.. yes I mean Ahsoka!) But because every Lego game so far has been such a blast to play alongside my loved ones, I cannot wait to play to test this bad boy out! Plus the graphics and levels have been giving a much needed update and look gorgeous.

3. Mortal Kombat
As a guy who was around when the whole video game nasty craze started, I loved playing Mortal Kombat and watching the blood fly! Seeing the extreme gore and death moves for the first time will always be a strong memory for me. At the time it was so extreme and adult that every teenager wanted to have a go at it and learn how to pull off these awesome moves. For me the series peaked at number 2 and slowly went down hill from there. It did peak again with Deadly Alliance but then they relaeased Armageddon which was hands down the worst MK games so far. Even worse that number 4 (but not as bad as Mythologies.... that was awful!). This game storyline is Raidens attempt to travel back to the time of the first three games and avert what happend later in the series. Already it sounds like a trip down memory lane to the time of the better games (which it is). Seeing the graphics, playable characters and full on bloody moves (including the wince inducing X-Ray attacks), has given me renewed faith in the flagging series. I for one can't wait to get my hands on this and start memorising all the inputs for the fatalities, moves and combos.. just like I did when I was younger :)

4. Star Wars: The Old Republic
After playing the God awful Star Wars: Galaxies, I was unsure about another game that would present the Star Wars World as a full online RPG. My fears subsided and interest rose when I heard the name of the company who would be developing the game. One word.... Bioware. For those who don't know who Bioware are, they are the creators of such brilliant games as Baldurs Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect and the amazing Knights of the Old Republic. Upon learning that the game will take place 300 years after KOTOR and will continue the storyline that was left open at the end of KOTOR2: The Sith Lords, I was completely sold on the game. Even though I knew I wanted the game just based on those facts, the following were just icing on the cake:
Fully voiced script and characters (including co-op dialogue), a first in MMORPGs
Gorgeous graphics
Exciting planets such as Illum, Corellia, Coruscant and Korriban
Diverse classes ranging from a Sith Warrior to a Jedi Knight and a Smuggler to a Bounty Hunter
So yeah, the game can't come quick enough lol

5. Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception
The uncharted series has been one of my absolute favourites of the current gen ever since I sat down and played straight through the first game of the series. It was one of the most cinematic, eventful and down right fun games I had ever played and I am glad to say, one of the reasons I wanted a PS3. Yeah it was too short, as was the seque l(which was even more cinematic and had a brilliant co-op and online battle mode). But sadly thats just the way with most games these days. At least the Uncharted series could keep you coming back for more, with unlockable skins and levels just begging to be explored again and again. Its because of these reasons that I am looking forward to part three of the series. Nolan North, who provides Drakes voice in the series, makes Drake such a loveable rogue of a character that you just want to join him in his adventures to see how events unfold. He really is the Indiana Jones of the gaming world, minus the whip. I look forward to the next installment with much excitement :D

So there you are, 5 of my most anticipated games of the coming year. I could write a list of 20 but thought I would keep it short and sweet... well until I had to give my reasons haha. So what are your top 5 games of the year ahead? Anyone else excited about the same games as me? Let me know :D

Tuesday 8 February 2011

First ever blog!

Greetings true believers, skywalker540 here.  Im a 27 year old guy from Manchester but living near Brighton... but I am and always will be northaner through and through haha. I don't know what you were expecting when you clicked on my blog but hopefully you won't be too bored and maybe even slightly interested!

First of all I want to use this section of cyber space to express myself as best I can, whilst also sharing my passion for certain things and hopefully, making it an enjoyable read. Whilst we are on the subject of interests, I will list my main ones now for your enjoyment :)
In no particular order:

Comics (Marvel, DC and Indie comics)
Video Games (I own the current gen consoles as well as a few treasures from the past)
Reading (I always have about 3 books on the go at the same time.. its the only way to get through my mountain of unread books!)
Films (I like all kinds of films from comedy to thriller to fantasy)
Music (Again, too many likes to mention)
Art/Tattoos (I draw and paint badly, secretly hoping I will get better lol)
Socialising (You can never see your friends too many times)
Dr Who/Torchwood (I am a late comer to the who universe, but I love everything about it)
Star Wars (Yeah I know, a film right? But I love so much about it, its its entity :D)

And I think thats about the most of it so far.  I will aim to update this thing as often as possible, at the very least once a week! But don't hold me too that haha.  Well that's it really! I also am considering using this blog as a place to review and give my personal opinion my favourite (and not so favourite!) films, tv episode, games and comics/books.  I really would love to build up a base of followers/lurkers with whom I can share my views with and have some wicked discussions about shared interests and loves :)

For now I will sign off, but I be back online soon enough... Excelsior! :D