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Saturday 29 October 2011

Looks like Matt Smith may not leave in 2013

From Den of Geek via SFX:

There’s been a fair amount of speculation doing the rounds this week with regards to comments Matt Smith made to VH-1, about his future in Doctor Who. The hint that was coming across was that Smith would be hanging up his sonic screwdriver in 2013, and heading over to Los Angeles.

Whilst not confirmed in any way, this would, as we said at the time, make sense. It would mean a change of Doctor for the show’s 50th anniversary year, and Matt Smith by then would have done three full series in the lead role. Which is generally considered to be the norm. Unless your name is Tom Baker.

He’s given a new interview, though, to the Press Association, in which he sort-of dampens some of the chatter regarding his earlier words. It’s hardly him saying that he’s staying forever, and it doesn’t rule out him giving the role up in 2013.

But Smith has nonetheless said that “We work very long hours every day for nine months. The schedule is pretty brutal, but I’d never complain about it. I love playing this role, and I don’t want to give it up anytime soon.”

We’ll wait and see where this ends up. We like Matt Smith a lot, but it’d be understandable if he chose to move on soon. Don’t expect to hear too much about this in the near future, though.

In other Doctor Who news, you can look forward to a preview of this year’s Christmas special as part of the BBC’s Children In Need telethon. That takes place on Friday 18th November.

Smith is personally my favourite Doctor since the show came back in 2005. I am all for him staying on for many many years to come as I love his take on the character. But I know that the majority of  actors playing the Doctor usually do 3 years and then leave, unless you are Tom Baker or David Tennant (or indeed Chris Eccleston). Heres hoping Smith stays on till at least the series after the 2013 50th anniversary series/specials, although I do love the idea of the 50th anniversary ending in a regeneration as it would be an awesome way to end the celebrations.

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