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Monday 17 October 2011

The house of ideas plans for 2012

Taken from UGO.com:

Remender takes over Secret Avengers
Rejoice, fans of Venom and Uncanny X-Force! Rick Remender will be the new writer for Secret Avengers, and with a new writer comes a brand new team. Hawkeye will lead and Captain Britain is joining the special operations squad. Beast, Black Widow, Hank Pym, and Valkyrie were shown on covers, and an image released on Marvel.com today revealed the rest of the roster, including Flash Venom.
More Cable details
We know Cable is back and looking to put a bullet in the head of every Avenger, but up until now we haven't been given any hints as to why. We're told Cable is back from the time-stream (see X-Men: Second Coming for details,) and is under the belief there will be dire consequences if the current Avengers aren't six feet under within 24 hours. We have no clue what those horrible repercussions are, but X-Sanction is said to be "important to what's to come."
Avengers Academy vs The Runaways
It looks like Marvel listened to the fans, because the major hit The Runaways is coming back. The Avengers Academy moving to California will result in them bumping heads with the inactive team for a two issue story. And in related news, X-23 will join the Avengers Academy.
New Thunderbolts vs Classic Thunderbolts
Writer Jeff Parker's time-traveling team is going to bump into a few familiar faces. It's new school versus old school as the brand new roster of Thunderbolts face off against the original line-up. Parker joked that seeing new and old Moonstone throwing down might be worth the price of the comic alone.

The Return of Sabretooth
The man who made Wolverine's life a living hell (ironic seeing as the runt was just there) is back for more. Victor Creed was seemingly killed off when Logan sliced his head off with the m-blade during Jeph Loeb's Evolution (and even appeared in Hell during Wolverine,) but now the writer says the final issue of his story (Wolverine #55) has clues about how the murderous villain will come back. Go re-read Evolution and see if you can spot the bread crumbs, because I have no idea!

Storm becomes an Avenger
The weather goddess is going to join Marvel's top team. Storm will become one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes beginning with Avengers #19. Ororo is going to be a busy lady, seeing as she's now an Avenger, X-Man, and has a marriage with Black Panther. Still, that schedule likely has loads of free time in comparison to what Wolverine and Spider-Man go through on a daily basis.

Phoenix returns
She's dead! She's alive! She'd dead! Who knows the real status of the original X-Man, Jean Grey, but Marvel certainly made us wonder. The title "It's Coming" was accompanied by a powerful image of The Phoenix. Will she rise from the ashes once and for all, or will the cosmic force take the form of a different individual? The saga will begin in Point One, a massive issue Marvel says will kick off all of 2012's events.

Dexter comic
America's favorite serial killer is getting his own comic book with Marvel. The publisher's Chief Creative Officer, Joe Quesada, teased readers with the huge reveal. No details were given other than it will be written by novelist Jeff Lindsay and it will be an on-going series not directly connected to the TV show's stories.

See whats all in bold?? Thats right! My favourite ever character is coming back from the dead/white hot room! Well, it certainly looks that way but sadly they have teased us with Jeans return about 15 different times since she died, returned and left to find her missing phoenix fragments way back in 2005. There have been the strongest hints about her return since Hope Summers was born, namely the fragments of the Phoenix Force leaving the Stepford Cuckoos, Rachel Grey and Korvus' sword. As well as the Phoenix raptor manafesting around Hope when her powers were awakend during Second Coming. Heres hoping Marvel don't pull the rug from under us this time as I seriously want to see Jean back in publication next year.... woop!!


Heres the image shown at the New York Comic Con.... ohhhh yeah!

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