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Thursday 13 October 2011

At last we will have revenge..... again... apparantly!


Read below and see why the face palm was needed:

Remember that movie called 'The Phantom Menace'? Say what you will about it, it introduced us to the badass Sith, Darth Maul. You may have heard the news, he's coming back this Spring in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Check out this clip from Lucasfilm and you'll see why Maul was so cool.
Dave Filoni, Supervising Director of The Clone Wars had this to say:
The decision to continue Darth Maul’s story was something that came directly from George. We all agreed that his return needed to be unique, unexpected and revenge filled. We don’t know what his outcome will be, and as a fan - that’s exciting.

I mean really.... really?!? Im pretty sure Darth Maul was fecking dead at the end of Episode One, you know with being chopped in half and falling into a reactor!!! Alas, I know why Lucas has decided to do this, see the date? Thats right, Spring 2012, right after The Phantom Menace 3D is released in Feburary 2012. No doubt riding off the presumed wave of new and old fans re digging the Maul, Lucas thinks that sticking him in the bloody Clone Wars Cartoon is a great idea... 13 years since he was killed off. Siiiiigh!

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