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Thursday 13 October 2011

At bloody last, its Nightwing!

If you didn't already know, Nightwing aka Dick Grayson is my favourite DC comics character. Not to mention one of my favourite comic characters ever. So imagine my joygasm when I find out that Rocksteady has included him as a playable character (along with Robin and Catwoman) in the soon to be classic Arkham City. Not only that but he has his own challange maps, one of which is set in Wayne Manor. As you can imagine I am so pumped for this, and as you can see below, I love how Rocksteady hardly changed his design from the comics as Dick is just that awesome! Batman: Arkham City is released on X-Box 360 and PS3 on 21st October and Nightwing is available for download from the 1st November.

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