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Monday 31 October 2011

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 - Rocket Raccoon Commentary Video - Xbox 360 - IGN

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 - Rocket Raccoon Commentary Video - Xbox 360 - IGN

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Video Game, Cover Up Trailer HD | Video Clip | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Video Game, Cover Up Trailer HD | Video Clip | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Video Game, Frank West Vs. Rocket Raccoon Gameplay HD | Video Clip | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Video Game, Frank West Vs. Rocket Raccoon Gameplay HD | Video Clip | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Video Game, Rocket Raccoon Vignette HD | Video Clip | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Video Game, Rocket Raccoon Vignette HD | Video Clip | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com

Saturday 29 October 2011

Looks like Matt Smith may not leave in 2013

From Den of Geek via SFX:

There’s been a fair amount of speculation doing the rounds this week with regards to comments Matt Smith made to VH-1, about his future in Doctor Who. The hint that was coming across was that Smith would be hanging up his sonic screwdriver in 2013, and heading over to Los Angeles.

Whilst not confirmed in any way, this would, as we said at the time, make sense. It would mean a change of Doctor for the show’s 50th anniversary year, and Matt Smith by then would have done three full series in the lead role. Which is generally considered to be the norm. Unless your name is Tom Baker.

He’s given a new interview, though, to the Press Association, in which he sort-of dampens some of the chatter regarding his earlier words. It’s hardly him saying that he’s staying forever, and it doesn’t rule out him giving the role up in 2013.

But Smith has nonetheless said that “We work very long hours every day for nine months. The schedule is pretty brutal, but I’d never complain about it. I love playing this role, and I don’t want to give it up anytime soon.”

We’ll wait and see where this ends up. We like Matt Smith a lot, but it’d be understandable if he chose to move on soon. Don’t expect to hear too much about this in the near future, though.

In other Doctor Who news, you can look forward to a preview of this year’s Christmas special as part of the BBC’s Children In Need telethon. That takes place on Friday 18th November.

Smith is personally my favourite Doctor since the show came back in 2005. I am all for him staying on for many many years to come as I love his take on the character. But I know that the majority of  actors playing the Doctor usually do 3 years and then leave, unless you are Tom Baker or David Tennant (or indeed Chris Eccleston). Heres hoping Smith stays on till at least the series after the 2013 50th anniversary series/specials, although I do love the idea of the 50th anniversary ending in a regeneration as it would be an awesome way to end the celebrations.

Friday 28 October 2011


phoenix live.jpg
​I had no idea that they were making a live action Phoenix Wright movie, but after seeing this picture of actor Hiroki Narimiya as the titular lawyer, I'm convinced its heading in the right direction. And its being directed by Takeshi Miike! How fantastic is that?!

Thursday 27 October 2011

Even Spielberg blames Geroge Lucas

Currently on the promotional trail for his magnificent CG rendering of The Adventures Of Tintin, Steven Spielberg’s been talking to Empire about the status of Jurassic Park 4 and the possibility of a fifth Indiana Jones movie.
Regarding Jurassic Park 4, which was officially announced at the San Diego Comic-Con in July, Spielberg said the following: "The screenplay is being written right now by Mark Protosevich. I'm hoping that will come out in the next couple of years. We have a good story. We have a better story for four than we had for three..."
While his words don’t add anything we don’t already know, it’s heartening that Spielberg’s so enthusiastic about the sequel’s story. And on the topic of stories, the director was surprisingly candid about the oft-lambasted narrative behind the 2008 Indiana Jones adventure, Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull.
“George [Lucas] and I had big arguments about the MacGuffin,” Spielberg said. “I didn't want these things to be either aliens or inter-dimensional beings. But I am loyal to my best friend. When he writes a story he believes in - even if I don't believe in it - I'm going to shoot the movie the way George envisaged it.”
As far as a fifth Indy movie goes, Spielberg said that George Lucas is “Working on it.”
“George is in charge of breaking the stories,” he said. “He's done it on all four movies. Whether I like the stories or not, George has broken all the stories.”
Whatever you made of Crystal Skull, you have to admire Spielberg’s honesty. Sadly, there’s no news yet about Shia LaBeouf’s involvement in Indy V.

Haha, amazing.  Its nice to see that even Spielberg was dissapointed in the story of Crystal Skull. Although it is kinda sweet to see how loyal he is to his best friend, even if that said friend has lost some of his spark!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

And I've just fan gasamed!

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment have released a new Batman: Arkham City trailer showcasing content from the upcoming Nightwing Bundle Pack, which will be available beginning November 1 on Xbox LIVE Marketplace and PlayStation Network.
Featuring the intense melee skills of Nightwing, a.k.a Dick Grayson, the trailer showcases the character’s punishing arsenal of fighting moves that can be used against Arkham City’s hardened thugs. Nightwing comes complete with his own unique gadgets and special moves, and is playable in all challenge maps in the game, as well as two additional challenge maps that are included with the pack: Wayne Manor and Main Hall. The pack also contains a bonus Animated Series Nightwing character skin.

The Nightwing Bundle Pack will be available November 1 on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for 560 Microsoft Points and PlayStation Network for $6.99. The Robin Bundle Pack will also become available on November 22 to all owners of the game for the same price.
Batman: Arkham City is out now for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The PC version will be available beginning November 15.


Tuesday 25 October 2011

Now thats what Im talking about!

The worldwide sales figures are in for week one of Batman: Arkham City which show that an impressive 4.6 million units have sold:
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment today announced that Batman: Arkham City™, the critically acclaimed videogame developed by Rocksteady Studios, has shipped more than 4.6 million units worldwide since its October 18 North American launch on the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system.
The week one sales figure for Batman: Arkham City is more than double the number of units sold of Batman: Arkham Asylum in the same time period and solidifies the game's place as a contender for one of the top-selling titles of 2011. Additionally, the game currently stands as the highest reviewed PS3™ and Xbox 360 game of 2011 on Metacritic.com with average scores of 96 and 95 respectively.
"Batman: Arkham City is one of the best action adventure games, proven by the tremendous reviews, and it further establishes the Batman brand as a marquee franchise for our growing business," said Martin Tremblay, President, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. "Rocksteady Studios went above and beyond in delivering an incredible game and the support of the entire team at Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment drove the excellent campaign a game like this deserves."
"The true test for any game is what the players think and we have been thrilled by their reaction to Batman: Arkham City," said Sefton Hill, Game Director at Rocksteady Studios. "The team at Rocksteady put every ounce of effort into making the best Batman experience we possibly could, so we are overwhelmed by the incredible feedback from the community."
Batman: Arkham City builds upon the intense, atmospheric foundation of Batman: Arkham Asylum, sending players flying through the expansive Arkham City – five times larger than the game world in Batman: Arkham Asylum – the new maximum security "home" for all of Gotham City’s thugs, gangsters and insane criminal masterminds. Featuring an incredible Rogues Gallery of Gotham City's most dangerous criminals including Catwoman, The Joker, The Riddler, Two-Face, Harley Quinn, The Penguin, Mr. Freeze and many others, the game allows players to genuinely experience what it feels like to be The Dark Knight delivering justice on the streets of Gotham City.
Batman: Arkham City is based on DC Comics' core Batman license and rated "T" for Teen by the ESRB. The game is currently available on Xbox 360 and PS3™. The Games for Windows version will be available beginning Nov. 15, 2011. Fans can visit www.batmanarkhamcity.com for more information about the game.

I know no one believed that Arkham City would be a let down, but after playing it, I have to say it is even more amazing than I could have expected. Im glad to hear that the game, the developers and everyone else involved is getting the praise that they rightly deserve. Bravo Rocksteady Studios, bravo indeed!

Sunday 23 October 2011

Five new changes to the New DCU

From Comic Vine.com:

e're into the second month of DC's 'The New 52.' Most of the characters have been revealed and we've had a good idea who has had tweaks to their pasts and who has remained the same. While we still have many questions as to how things played out 'in the beginning,' Justice League is serving to pave the way as to who the world's greatest heroes got together to form the team. We've seen some changes as a result of the first issue and we're still getting some more in the second.
The second issue was a blast from a fanboy's perspective. You have to hand it to Geoff Johns and Jim Lee to giving us some action packed bickering between the future team members. There will be some spoilers for issue #2 below but you owe it to yourself to read the issue for yourself to see everything that happens. You can also check out our review for the issue here.

There was a Flash Task Force

We've heard of a 'Batman Task Force' before. Batman was immediately accepted by the police force and we've seen stories of the mayor ordering a team dedicated to putting a stop to his vigilante ways. When Barry Allen became the Flash, he didn't have those problems. It could've been because he didn't operate in the shadows and was a little more open with the public. He was accepted as a hero. Due to an incident in trying to capture a certain villain, some destruction resulted and Central City wasn't too crazy about him.
This is also the first time we're seeing a 'younger' Barry Allen. If last month's Flash #1, Flash appears to be considered more of a hero. We also find out Barry and Hal are sort of friends at this point.

Superman's strength is stronger than Hal's willpower

We all know that Superman is stronger than just about anyone. We have seen Green Lantern constructs shattered before but usually it's by other power rings. Hal is said to have one of the strongest will around. The fact that he's so surprised here that Superman is able to shatter them shows that either he's stronger that before or this is just the first time Hal faced someone at this strength level. Then again, maybe his focus slipped a little during all the chaos.

Flash is faster than Superman...maybe

There's always been the debate, who's faster, Flash or Superman? Over the years, when we had the Superman/Flash races, it seemed the winner always flipped back and forth. When the two tangle here, it's almost embarrassing for Superman. But, Superman does manage to get the upper hand eventually. It appears that Flash is faster and Superman either proved that wrong or was able to anticipate his next move. Superman should have a super-brain after all so I took it as he actually used it to deal with Flash. The look in his eyes are pretty convincing that this was the case.

There's no Fortress of Solitude?

Poor Superman. It's been spoiled what happened to his parents in the back of Action Comics #2 and in Superman #1 we saw that Lois has a boyfriend and isn't interested in Clark. We see that he uses an abandoned printing press so what does this mean for the Fortress of Solitude? It would't really make sense for everyone to take a trip there just to have a chat but he specifically says he doesn't have a base of operations. It's possible, since this is taking place a few years ago, he might still go about acquiring the Fortress. For now, he's stuck entertaining at a place that isn't too fancy.

Cyborg's 'accident' is because of Darkseid

Originally Victor's parents were messing around experimenting at STAR Labs and an accident caused Victor's body to get damaged. Victor's dad then tries to rebuild it and Cyborg is born. Because they were examining a Mother Box. As you can imagine, something happens and Victor happens to get caught in the blast. Another thing that could have a big affect on Cyborg is the blast of energy he's hit with. Could we be seeing a new set of powers when we officially see Cyborg in 'The New 52'? What's going to happen when Darkseid finally shows up? We'll have to wait for the next issue!

Im suprisingly ok with these changes. The aggravated battle between Superman and ever other hero in the book is an interesting twist on the first meetings of the heroes that would become the JLA. Apart from Superman being a bit of a dick, he is shown to actually be the most powerful being on Earth by destroying one of Hal Jordans power ring constructs (Jordan has one of the strongest wills in the DCU and apparently nothing can break a power ring construct, apart from another power ring that is)!  Also I am happy to see that the Flash is faster than Superman to a degree. Flash's slogan is that he is the "fastest man alive", so he rightly should be able to dodge anybody trying to attack him. I like the fact that its mentioned about Superman possibly having a super brain which enabled him to predict what Flash was going to do in the end. Even though its a random power, I think its one that should be there. Also its nice to see Victor Stone aka Cyborg getting a new origin that involves Darkseid, this will no doubt lead to a grudge between the two. The fact that its now a Mother Box (A sentient, miniaturized, portable supercomputer) that destroys most of Victors body could mean that he has a new power set to go along with his technological gifts his father gives him. All in all these changes certainly make the new DCU an interesting place be!

Rogers is staying in the modern day for Captain America 2

The following is taken from super hero hype:

ith Captain America: The First Avenger hitting DVD and Blu-ray this Tuesday, writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have been making the press rounds. In a conversation today with The HD Room, the pair reiterated that the sequel will stick mostly to the filmic Marvel Universe's present day.

"I think it's safe for us to say that it's primarily set in the modern day," says Markus. "That seems to have been the biggest question people have been wondering about regarding the sequel... [W]e've been left with room to explore Cap entering the modern day wondering, 'What is all this? What's happened to the world' and so on."

"We made a movie where the world was in context for Steve Rogers," adds McFeely. "It was a movie where it was a more pure time, where there were clearly black-and-white, right-and-wrong, good-and-evil scenarios. And Cap is a guy who symbolizes that. Now he's in the now, and there is nothing black-and-white. So what do you do with that guy? How does he react to a much more uncertain time? So you're given this huge new palate to work with, but you can keep him the same."

Chris Evans' Captain America next appears in Marvel's The Avengers on May 4, 2012. Unfortunately, it may be a bit before his next solo adventure. Evans recently revealed that Captain America 2 will probably have to wait until 2014.

I like this angle. It gives more screen time to show how being 70 years in the future will impact on Steve Rogers and the people around him. This will obviously be part of the plot to the Avengers but having it explored further in his own movie helps cement what the character means to modern times. It look like a bright future for Marvel films!

Saturday 22 October 2011

And the fourth expansion to Warcraft is...............

The following is taken from gamtrailers.com:

As BlizzCon 2011 kicked off earlier today, Blizzard announced plans for the fourth expansion to World of Warcraft, although no specific release date was given. Unveiled to a sold-out crowd, World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria lifts the fog of mystery surrounding a long-lost continent that has been newly rediscovered following the events of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. The new expansion reintroduces the elusive pandaren, originally seen in Warcraft III, as a playable race and adds a brand-new player class: the martial-arts-focused Monk. While exploring the mysteries of an exotic new land and advancing to the new level cap of 90, players will experience a range of new content and game features, including new quests and dungeons, group scenarios and “challenge” modes, pet battles, and more.

“Players have been asking to see the pandaren in World of Warcraft since the game’s launch, and we’re excited to finally be able to give them a proper re-introduction to Azeroth,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “In addition to the new playable race and class, Mists of Pandaria contains a huge amount of new content, and we’re looking forward to sharing more information about all of it at BlizzCon and beyond.”
And here’s an official description of the content:

In the upcoming expansion, players will be able to explore the long-lost continent of Pandaria, which has remained hidden from the world since the sundering of Azeroth over ten thousand years ago. In the aftermath of the Cataclysm played out in World of Warcraft’s third expansion, Pandaria’s heroes are emerging from their land’s lush forests and cloud-ringed mountains to choose sides in the escalating war between the Alliance and the Horde and to share the extraordinary secrets of their ancient martial arts. As tensions between the factions near a breaking point following the discovery of this new world, players will be called upon to explore Pandaria’s exotic expanses, make contact with its strange indigenous creatures, and unlock the world-changing secrets that have been hiding in the mists for millennia.

New features coming in the game’s fourth expansion include:

New Playable Race — Pandaren: Adventure through Azeroth as World of Warcraft’s first neutral race and decide whether to side with the Alliance or the Horde.
New Playable Class — Monk: Unlock the secrets of pandaren martial arts and do battle as a damage dealer, healer, or tank.
Level Cap Increased to 90: Learn potent new spells and abilities while exploring uncharted zones and taking on challenging new content.
New Zones: Explore the lush Jade Forest, treacherous Kun-Lai Summit, and other exotic areas of Pandaria designed for high-level characters, and uncover the mystery of the Wandering Isle.
Scenarios: Join up with some friends to achieve a common goal, such as mounting a defense against invading monsters, in a flexible new type of PvE challenge.
Dungeon “Challenge” Modes: Master the ultimate five-player time trial to earn prestige rewards in a new dungeon mode that will put your resolve and coordination to the test.
Pet Battles: Challenge other players’ companion pets with your own collection in a new tactical mini-game, and find out who’s king or queen of the pint-sized battlefield.
New Talent System: Customize your character to suit your play style with the newly overhauled and improved talent system.

For more information on World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, head on over to the newly launched official website.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Remeber that Dark Knight prologue.... its happening again!

From super hero hype.com:

/Film has posted an interesting rumor that Warner Bros. Pictures is planning on showing an eight-minute prologue for The Dark Knight Rises with Paramount Pictures' early release of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol in IMAX theaters on December 16 (the film has its general release on Dec. 21).
It would be a similar situation as The Dark Knight, from which Warner Bros. attached the opening sequence to the Will Smith hit I Am Legend in IMAX theaters in December of 2007.
We should be seeing a press release about this soon if this is indeed confirmed. We're also assuming a new trailer for The Dark Knight Rises will be attached to Warner Bros.' own Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows on Dec. 21, but that also is not confirmed yet.
The Dark Knight Rises opens in theaters on July 20, 2012.

Monday 17 October 2011

The house of ideas plans for 2012

Taken from UGO.com:

Remender takes over Secret Avengers
Rejoice, fans of Venom and Uncanny X-Force! Rick Remender will be the new writer for Secret Avengers, and with a new writer comes a brand new team. Hawkeye will lead and Captain Britain is joining the special operations squad. Beast, Black Widow, Hank Pym, and Valkyrie were shown on covers, and an image released on Marvel.com today revealed the rest of the roster, including Flash Venom.
More Cable details
We know Cable is back and looking to put a bullet in the head of every Avenger, but up until now we haven't been given any hints as to why. We're told Cable is back from the time-stream (see X-Men: Second Coming for details,) and is under the belief there will be dire consequences if the current Avengers aren't six feet under within 24 hours. We have no clue what those horrible repercussions are, but X-Sanction is said to be "important to what's to come."
Avengers Academy vs The Runaways
It looks like Marvel listened to the fans, because the major hit The Runaways is coming back. The Avengers Academy moving to California will result in them bumping heads with the inactive team for a two issue story. And in related news, X-23 will join the Avengers Academy.
New Thunderbolts vs Classic Thunderbolts
Writer Jeff Parker's time-traveling team is going to bump into a few familiar faces. It's new school versus old school as the brand new roster of Thunderbolts face off against the original line-up. Parker joked that seeing new and old Moonstone throwing down might be worth the price of the comic alone.

The Return of Sabretooth
The man who made Wolverine's life a living hell (ironic seeing as the runt was just there) is back for more. Victor Creed was seemingly killed off when Logan sliced his head off with the m-blade during Jeph Loeb's Evolution (and even appeared in Hell during Wolverine,) but now the writer says the final issue of his story (Wolverine #55) has clues about how the murderous villain will come back. Go re-read Evolution and see if you can spot the bread crumbs, because I have no idea!

Storm becomes an Avenger
The weather goddess is going to join Marvel's top team. Storm will become one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes beginning with Avengers #19. Ororo is going to be a busy lady, seeing as she's now an Avenger, X-Man, and has a marriage with Black Panther. Still, that schedule likely has loads of free time in comparison to what Wolverine and Spider-Man go through on a daily basis.

Phoenix returns
She's dead! She's alive! She'd dead! Who knows the real status of the original X-Man, Jean Grey, but Marvel certainly made us wonder. The title "It's Coming" was accompanied by a powerful image of The Phoenix. Will she rise from the ashes once and for all, or will the cosmic force take the form of a different individual? The saga will begin in Point One, a massive issue Marvel says will kick off all of 2012's events.

Dexter comic
America's favorite serial killer is getting his own comic book with Marvel. The publisher's Chief Creative Officer, Joe Quesada, teased readers with the huge reveal. No details were given other than it will be written by novelist Jeff Lindsay and it will be an on-going series not directly connected to the TV show's stories.

See whats all in bold?? Thats right! My favourite ever character is coming back from the dead/white hot room! Well, it certainly looks that way but sadly they have teased us with Jeans return about 15 different times since she died, returned and left to find her missing phoenix fragments way back in 2005. There have been the strongest hints about her return since Hope Summers was born, namely the fragments of the Phoenix Force leaving the Stepford Cuckoos, Rachel Grey and Korvus' sword. As well as the Phoenix raptor manafesting around Hope when her powers were awakend during Second Coming. Heres hoping Marvel don't pull the rug from under us this time as I seriously want to see Jean back in publication next year.... woop!!


Heres the image shown at the New York Comic Con.... ohhhh yeah!

Three Musketeers 3D Review

One year after a mission to steal plans from Da Vincis secret vault ends in betrayal, the three musketeers are called back into service of France once again to thwart a sinister plan by the evil Cardinal. His scheme is to expose the young Queen as an adulterer, if successful it will throw France into chaos and ignite a war with Britain. Slowly leading into making the Cardinal the new King of France.

Now don't get me wrong, this film really shouldn't be very good. All signs point to bad, mainly down to the choice of director. Paul WS Anderson doesn't have a good track record with films and his efforts always seem to fall flat, since directing the first Resident Evil anyways. But I actually found myself enjoying this film quite a bit, and I think I know why: The three musketeers are perfectly cast and have such a charisma about themselves that you can't help but want to enjoy them in every scene they are in. The opening raid on Da Vincis vault cements theses characters and shows how strong their bonds of friendship actually are. Every time they are off screen you keep waiting for them to show up again as they are a joy to watch.

Its a shame then that after that first 30 minutes, the three muskerterrs themselves are never really shown as the main characters. This role falls to the young Dartanian, the teenage son of an ex musketeer, who has travelled to Paris to become a musketeer, just like his dad. His timing isn't very good though as the Cardinals guards have seemed to replace the musketeers leaving the streets of Paris a very cruel place to be. The three musketeers take Dartanian under their wing and lead him into the life he has always wanted. After a while Dartanian actually becomes a more likable character, a bit removed from his introduction as a cocky, immature boy who believes himself to be better than everyone else. Which is actually what the character is in the books, someone who needs to learn the ways of the World to become a true hero and a good man. The film really should have been called the four musketeers as at least then we wouldn't keep expecting more from the three supposed main characters every time they are off screen.

The rest of the cast are a bit hit and miss. The young king and queen are entertaining to watch when they are together, but the king is pompous and not funny when on his own. His obsession with fashion is also annoying, but then again, I guess the King has to live up to his status. Milady and Buckingham initailly make good villains who revel in their evil ways, but sadly Jovovichs Milady just ends up looking hot (we get it Paul, your wife is fit) and double crossing everyone in sight and Blooms Buckingham falls by the wayside, eventually leading up to just being sequel bait. Even the showdown in the Tower of London falls flat and feels suprisingly un exciting. The strongest of the bad guys is cardinal richelieu, who seems to relish all of his evil plans and shows how good of a manipulator he can be, patting himself on the back as he goes. Its just a shame that for all his scheming he is once again, like Buckingham, there to make way for a bigger role in the sequel (if there ever is one). The main foil to the good guys, well mostly Dartainan,  comes in the form of the Cardinals agent Rochefort. He only really gets to do anything in the last 30 minutes though, so his overall menace is diluted somewhat. The final action scenes between him and the musketeers on their air ships are exciting and fun, as is his sword fight with Dartanian, which is well done and fast paced. Actaully all of the fight scenes in the film are very good, especially the battle between the musketeers and the cardinals guards, which showcases each characters fighting styles and prowess. And the less said about James Cordens "comedy relief" the better. Imagine a poor mans impression of Ricky Gervais in Stardust and you're there. Its completely cringe worthy and to top it all off, hes one of the "main" characters in the second half of the film, so theres no getting away from him!

The 3D is especially well done with all of the scenes and backgrounds looking stunning. Even in the dialogue scenes, there is a surprising depth of field which lends itself superbly to the 3D experience. I will say this for Anderson he knows how to film in 3D. He also knows how to showcase great fight scene and entertaining set pieces.

For all its worth, the three musketeers is a fun, action packed experience which just gets a bit bogged down with too many characters, a plot that could've have ended 30 minutes early (and has a massive plot hole which I wont put on here as I don't want to ruin the film) and too much sequel baiting. Although, I do want a sequel, if only just to experience more fun scenes with the main musketeers. Give me a film thats a longer version of the first 30 minutes of this one and I will be a very happy man.

3 out of 5

Sunday 16 October 2011

5 days till Arkham City is open for inmates!

Yes geeks and nerds its almost time for the sequel to the best Batman game, and possibly the best comic book game ever, Arkham City.

And just to whet your appetite, heres the release trailer for the US launch day, which is on Tuesday 18th... lucky lucky bastards!

Batman: Arkham City is released in the UK on the 21st of October

Friday 14 October 2011

The remaining Doctor Who Episodes rated

And following on from the first 3 episodes of the second half of Dr Who I rated a few weeks back, here are my ratings and mini thoughts on the last 3 of series 6.

The God Complex

A story of two halves. On the one hand its about the Minotaur and why the creature has been wandering around the maze for years. Which couples with the story about faith and how we fall back on certain things subconsciously when presented with our worst fear. On the other hand its a story about Amy and Rory and how they affect the Doctor even though he tries to hide just how he feels about his companions. They are his best friend and her one true love whom the Doctor respects and also cares for. How he has a God complex about being the one who has to save everybody regardless of the situation. The scene where the Dr finally decides to leave the Ponds to the life they deserve is touching but feels a bit tacked on and tries a bit to hard to tug at your heartstrings (and the Dr doesnt even say goodbye to Rory! Although he does get him his dream car). Otherwise the writing is good and the acting from some of the support characters is spot on (especially from the companion who could be Rita and the nerdy Howie). David Walliams on the other hand is just David Walliams in mole make up. He really started to grate on me nearer the end and I wasn't pleased that out of everyone trapped in the hotel he survived. If the Ponds leaving scene was longer and more emotional I would have rated this one higher.

7 OUT OF 10

Closing Time
Shock all round! Episode 12 isn't the first of a two parter! This is the first time that this has happened since the series returned in 2005 and sadly, I think it wasn't the way to go. But here we have a stand alone episode that is both fun, excellently acted and well written with some witty and sharp dialogue. Closing time is a semi sequel to the Lodger (episode 11 from the last series) featuring the returning characters of Craig and Sophie and an old enemy. Now married, living in a new house with a new baby, Craig finds the Doctor once again on his doorstep. This time he is on his farewell tour before his death by Lake Silencio. 200 years have passed between The God Complex and this episode, but you would never guess as the Dr is his usual faux cheery self (apart from some very nice scenes where the Dr tells himself that he must "stop helping them" i.e us and where he watches Amy and Rory from behind a clothes rail. All acted superbly by Matt Smith). What follows is a funny, touching and rollicking adventure that really plays to the talents and comedic strengths of both Smith and Corden as Craig. Matt Smith has never been more like Troughton then what he is in this episode. Stand out scenes are any featuring the Dr, especially when talking baby to Stormageddon aka Alfie, the Dr working in a toy department of a huge shop and Craig and the Dr acting as "partners" (with the Dr innocently remarking "I always thought of them as companions but maybe partners is a better word"). To top it all off is a fantastic scene finally revealing just who is the Astronaut who kills the Doctor. Tick tock goes the clock.....

8.5 OUT OF 10

The Wedding of River Song
Like the episode before it, the series finale is a stand alone episode that really should have been part two a two parter. This is mostly down to the fact that all of the questions that needed to be answered should have been given more room to breathe, with the other plot details having a bigger presence. Whilst most of the questions have been answered once the credits roll round, it just leaves you with even more un answered questions that tease at things that will no doubt still be unanswered come the end of series 7! At Lake Silencio, the astronaut is revelaed to be a controlled River Song who is forced to kill the man she loves. Although this is a fixed point in time, River decides not to kill the Doctor and causes a paraell universe where time is stuck at 5.02 pm on the 22/04/11 and everything has happened at once. The Romans never left, Churchill is the Emperor and theres an Area 52 in one of the Pyramids at Giza that is connected to the Orient Express. Ok that last one is pretty cool isnt it? To cut the story short, the Dr and River have to touch to restart time and fix things by having her kill the Dr. The resolution (or cop out as others have called it) is a bit lazy and pretty obvious from the "previously on" clips at the start of the episode. The writing is snappy, quick and moves along at a speedy pace. Which is pretty much standard Moffat when he does a single episode. All of the main actors are well settled in their roles and all seem to have a little bit of fun with their characters. Smith and Kingston are especially good, with some nice flirty dialouge and their usual characters chemistry. The wedding of the title is a nice touch with the hand fasting (although a friend of mine argues it never counted due to the special circumstances... and I'll leave it at that!), the Silence are both scary and sadly underused, as is Kovarian, who feels a little bit of an after thought. Im hoping due to the other timeline not happening that she is still out there causing trouble for River and the Doctor. Smith is his usual excellent self and his tour of the universe finding out all he can about the Silence is fantastic. The scene with the Dalek being a particualr highlight. The scene with the Doctor calling on the Brigadier was touching and just the right amount of emotion. The fact he always poured a whisky just incase his friend showed up was a lovely sentiment. There are some problems other than the speedily resolved plot. Mainly the pretty obvious green screen effect at Lake Silencio, the questions that the resoloution presented and as mentioned before, the baffling amount of information thrown at you in the episode. I was ok with following the plot, but a few of my friends had to re watch it a few times to get what exactly was happening. All in all a good episode, but I still think it really should have been a two parter sweetie ;)

8 OUT OF 10

The new reveals for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Feast your eyes on the latest characters to be included in the forthcoming Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3.
I present Nova for the Marvel side and the highly requested Phoenix Wright for Capcom. Both characters look a shed load of fun. Its nice to see Nova finally getting some love in gaming form, especially in a Capcom fighting game. He looks both powerful and speedy but seem to be missing a level 3 super... hmmmm. And Phoenix Wright is just... well watch the video. Hes defiantly a unique character who will be fun to play as and check out that level 3 super! Don't mess with an ace attorney!
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 is released next month.

Thursday 13 October 2011

At last we will have revenge..... again... apparantly!


Read below and see why the face palm was needed:

Remember that movie called 'The Phantom Menace'? Say what you will about it, it introduced us to the badass Sith, Darth Maul. You may have heard the news, he's coming back this Spring in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Check out this clip from Lucasfilm and you'll see why Maul was so cool.
Dave Filoni, Supervising Director of The Clone Wars had this to say:
The decision to continue Darth Maul’s story was something that came directly from George. We all agreed that his return needed to be unique, unexpected and revenge filled. We don’t know what his outcome will be, and as a fan - that’s exciting.

I mean really.... really?!? Im pretty sure Darth Maul was fecking dead at the end of Episode One, you know with being chopped in half and falling into a reactor!!! Alas, I know why Lucas has decided to do this, see the date? Thats right, Spring 2012, right after The Phantom Menace 3D is released in Feburary 2012. No doubt riding off the presumed wave of new and old fans re digging the Maul, Lucas thinks that sticking him in the bloody Clone Wars Cartoon is a great idea... 13 years since he was killed off. Siiiiigh!

Poster for The Phantom Menace 3D

Meh is all I have to say. Its not really an outstanding poster but I am still willing to see how well the 3-D is implimented. Plus Im guessing the Podrace, Duel of the Fates and Battle for Naboo will look fecking awesome in 3-D. Thats kinda worth the ticket alone haha

College feat. Electric Youth - A Real Hero (Drive original soundtrack)

A fantastic track from an amazing film. If you get a chance go and see Drive, its brilliant. And this song is def my fave from the soundtrack and song at the mo :)

Avengers Trailer..... ZOMG!

Ok.. its finally here and I literally just jizzed in my pants after the first minute!

May 4TH 2012 cant get here soon enough :D

You can watch the trailer using the player below

At bloody last, its Nightwing!

If you didn't already know, Nightwing aka Dick Grayson is my favourite DC comics character. Not to mention one of my favourite comic characters ever. So imagine my joygasm when I find out that Rocksteady has included him as a playable character (along with Robin and Catwoman) in the soon to be classic Arkham City. Not only that but he has his own challange maps, one of which is set in Wayne Manor. As you can imagine I am so pumped for this, and as you can see below, I love how Rocksteady hardly changed his design from the comics as Dick is just that awesome! Batman: Arkham City is released on X-Box 360 and PS3 on 21st October and Nightwing is available for download from the 1st November.

Silence did fall....

Just a quick update to let everyone know I am actually back properly now! One word of advice, if you want broadband with less hassle, don't go with sky ;)

Now, on with the show!