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Thursday 5 January 2012

Star Trek 2 Update

From Empire.com:

The sneaky British infiltration of JJ Abrams’ revival of Star Trek’s cinematic fortunes continues apace! With Simon Pegg already entrenched as Scotty in the first film (Pegg just jetted to LA to begin work on the sequel), the next addition was Alice Eve, who signed on late last year. Now two of the UK’s brightest filmmaking talents are heading into space, with Benedict Cumberbatch and Noel Clarke announced as leaping aboard.
This being the Abrams/Damon Lindelof/Roberto Orci/Alex Kurtzman Trek universe, both actors' exact roles are being kept a secret for now. Variety was able to dig up, however, that Clarke is playing a family man with a wife and young daughter and The Hollywood Reporter has it that Cumberbatch will slip into the role of the villain that Benicio Del Toro was being courted for.
Cumberbatch has been pinging Hollywood's radar something rotten recently, between his superb work on the BBC's Sherlock and supporting roles in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and War Horse. He's already been snapped up for one evil role, agreeing to voice greedy dragon Smaug for Peter Jackson's Hobbit films.
Along with his directing/writing/acting duties in the likes of Adulthood and, Clarke already has space (and time) travel experience thanks to his time spent as Mickey Smith in Doctor Who’s TARDIS. This time, we doubt he’ll be worried about being seen as the tin dog.

Thats pretty sweet news. Clarke is a brilliant actor (Im not referring to Mickey here though lol) and Cumberbatch is equally deserving of bigger recognition after his stunning turn in Sherlock. Coupled with his part in the Hobbit as the voice of the dragon Smaug, I think its gonna be a pretty good few years for Mr Cumberbatch. Now get him to guest star on Doctor Who Moffat!

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