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Tuesday 3 January 2012

Oh rly?!

Taken from Gadget show website:

The Nintendo Wii U will be the first major console launch for 2012. We have yet to know exactly everything it can do, or release date if truth be known, but already the rumours are flying in. The latest is that Nintendo will launch an E-Reader style service for the Wii U.
If true, an E-Reader service for Nintendo Wii U owners will please those hoping for extra functionality besides games from Nintendo’s latest console.
Word of a possible Wii U E-Reader platform comes from a report from an unnamed source that was allegedly approached by Nintendo to help plan a digital books service to download magazines, newspapers, comics and player guides that owners will be able to read on the Wii U’s tablet-style controller.

The report goes on to say that the Nintendo 3DS will also share the Wii U’s E-Reader service. It also sounds like electronic instruction booklets may also be on the cards, even for older SNES and N64 Virtual Console games that users could flip through using the Wii U controller – something that is sure to go down well with retro gaming fans.
A subscription service would see the latest digital issues of magazines automatically download to the Nintendo Wii U. It all sounds very exciting, but lets not forget that Nintendo has yet to officially confirm any of the above.
The Nintendo Wii U was first unveiled at E3 2011. Nintendo only showed off a few games for the new console, and its ability to stream games to its tablet style controller, without revealing very much else, so expect to hear lots more about the console at E3 2012 this June. But does a Wii U E-Reader service sound appealing? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Innnnnnteresting. With the Wii-U having its fair share of features and possibilities, 2012 is a gonna be a good year for gamers!

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