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Monday 23 January 2012

Avengers blow out from Superherohype.com:

Continuing the epic big-screen adventures started in Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger, Marvel's The Avengers is the superhero team up of a lifetime. When an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, Director of the international peacekeeping agency known as SHIELD, finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins.

UPDATE: Empire has revealed the four non-subscriber covers as well.

Following this morning's new photos, we have some more quotes from Marvel's Kevin Feige in which he talks about the mysterious enemy that The Avengers will be facing. Thanks to 'herolee10', the following excerpt comes from Empire:
"Who said they were aliens?" he teases. Beings from the Nine Realms, then, ventures Empire? "Closer...It's not Skrulls, I've been clear about that. Beyond that, we want to hide it. The identity of the alien race is not impactful. It exists in the comic books, but we're not setting up the Kree-Skrull war or anything like that."
He also address the rumor that we'll be seeing Red Skull in the May 4th release:
"Was Skull vaporised at the end of the movie, or thrust into another realm?" asks Feige. "That remains to be seen. It would be fun to see Skull in future, but he's not in this one." Whedon though is a little more circumspect when Empire confronts him. "I do have a comment on that," he says, before pulling a move worthy of Loki himself. "It's...oh, you're breaking up!"
Who do you think the mysterious enemy is?

Fuck me, this film can't arrive soon enough!! I'm hoping it might be the Negative Zone, Thanos or maybe even Dormamuu that appears in the film. Not long now :D
PS Im so buying he Cap and Thor covers!

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