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Tuesday 31 January 2012

Stephen Amell Lands Leading Role in Arrow

Stephen Amell Lands Leading Role in Arrow

10 Seconds of Marvel's The Avengers Super Bowl Spot!

10 Seconds of Marvel's The Avengers Super Bowl Spot!

Monday 30 January 2012

Matthew Vaughn back for X-Men First Class sequel

Taken from superherohype.com and can I just say, fuck yes :D :

Matthew Vaughn's X-Men: First Class prequel was one of the most lauded superhero movies of 2011, and Fox CEO Tom Rothman told us last year that they're doing everything possible to get the director back for a sequel. In a new Deadline  story about Fox's President of Production Emma Watts renewing her own contract through 2015, there's a matter-of-fact mention that the company has closed the deal for Vaughn to return to direct the unnamed sequel, working from a script being written by Simon Kinberg (X-Men: THe Last Stand, Jumper, Sherlock Holmes) and with Bryan Singer once again producing.
It's a given that all the original cast from the first movie signed a multiple picture deal in their contract so we expect James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender returning as Professor X and Magneto respectively. It may be some time before we learn whether any of the rest of the cast, such as Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique or January Jones' Emma Frost, will be included in a follow-up to the prequel or if any new X-Men characters will be introduced.

Game Of Thrones Season 2: "Shadow" Tease

April can't come soon enough!

Monday 23 January 2012

Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock Monsters Trailer

I really hope this game is good. It seems fun and having the real actors helps. I just can't get past the look of the game, it looks like a downloadable title.... we will see very soon :D
Avengers blow out from Superherohype.com:

Continuing the epic big-screen adventures started in Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger, Marvel's The Avengers is the superhero team up of a lifetime. When an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, Director of the international peacekeeping agency known as SHIELD, finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins.

UPDATE: Empire has revealed the four non-subscriber covers as well.

Following this morning's new photos, we have some more quotes from Marvel's Kevin Feige in which he talks about the mysterious enemy that The Avengers will be facing. Thanks to 'herolee10', the following excerpt comes from Empire:
"Who said they were aliens?" he teases. Beings from the Nine Realms, then, ventures Empire? "Closer...It's not Skrulls, I've been clear about that. Beyond that, we want to hide it. The identity of the alien race is not impactful. It exists in the comic books, but we're not setting up the Kree-Skrull war or anything like that."
He also address the rumor that we'll be seeing Red Skull in the May 4th release:
"Was Skull vaporised at the end of the movie, or thrust into another realm?" asks Feige. "That remains to be seen. It would be fun to see Skull in future, but he's not in this one." Whedon though is a little more circumspect when Empire confronts him. "I do have a comment on that," he says, before pulling a move worthy of Loki himself. "It's...oh, you're breaking up!"
Who do you think the mysterious enemy is?

Fuck me, this film can't arrive soon enough!! I'm hoping it might be the Negative Zone, Thanos or maybe even Dormamuu that appears in the film. Not long now :D
PS Im so buying he Cap and Thor covers!

Oooo new Avengers photos!

Taken from superherhype.com. Check out these bad boys! I love the team photo and the symbols behind each character!

Opening in theaters on May 4th, the Joss Whedon film stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Stellan Skarsgård and Samuel L. Jackson.
Click on the first image for a bigger version!

Thursday 19 January 2012

DC has a new logo/logos don't you know

DC Entertainment today officially revealed its new brand identity, which was designed to showcase the company's portfolio of brands, stories and characters across all media platforms:
DC Entertainment, a Warner Bros. Entertainment company and home to iconic brands DC Comics, Vertigo and MAD, revealed today a new brand identity.  The new identity is reflective of the company’s mission to fully realize the value of a rich portfolio of brands, stories and characters, distinguished by incredible breadth and depth across publishing, media and merchandise.  A new logo for DC Comics was also introduced, closely aligning with DC Entertainment’s new mark.
“It’s a new era at DC Entertainment and the new look reflects a dynamic, bold approach while at the same time celebrates the company’s rich heritage and robust portfolio of characters,” stated John Rood, EVP of Sales, Marketing and Business Development for DC Entertainment. “It was just a few months ago that Superman, Batman and many of our other Super Heroes were updated when we launched DC Comics – The New 52 and now it’s time to do the same for the company’s identity while remaining true to the power of storytelling which is still at the heart of DC Entertainment.”
DC Entertainment worked with Landor Associates, one of the world’s leading brand consulting and design firms, to develop an identity that creates a visual connection among the company, its three brands DC Comics, Vertigo and MAD and its vast array of properties as well as celebrates the power of the company’s stories and characters.  The design of the new DC Entertainment identity uses a “peel” effect – the D is strategically placed over the C with the upper right-hand portion of the D peeling back to unveil the hidden C – symbolizing the duality of the iconic characters that are present within DC Entertainment’s portfolio.
“It was our goal to capture DC Entertainment in a dynamic and provocative identity.  Our solution is a living expression which changes and adapts to the characters, story lines and the ways fans are consuming content,” explains Nicolas Aparicio, Executive Creative Director at Landor’s San Francisco office.  “The new identity is built for the digital age, and can easily be animated and customized to take full advantage of the interactivity offered across all media platforms.”
The new brand identity will come to life across all consumer touch points in order to create a clear and consistent message in support of DC Entertainment.  The new identity will begin to appear on comic books and graphic novels as well as new websites in March.  Consumers will also see the new identity rolled out over time on other DC Entertainment products from Warner Bros. including film, television, interactive games and merchandise.
“We believe our new brand identity will strongly resonate with our loyal fans who will want to proudly express their affinity for DC Entertainment and their passion for their favorite stories and characters, this new look allows them to easily do this. In addition we were excited to update our identity, it’s not often a company gets to revisit something as important as its brand and we took the opportunity to make sure it represented the multi-media business we set out to build with the formation of DC Entertainment,” said Amit Desai, SVP of Franchise Management for DC Entertainment.

I really dunno what to think about the new design. Whilst I like how clean and modern it is and some of the designs are great, such as the Green Lantern one and the character ones with the peeling. But I really really love the last logo and thought it looked superb. Like when it popped up before the Dark Knight, it looked stylish and from a comic book. This logo looks great on the side of the graphic novel above and will no doubt fit in with the digital age of comics. Its an interesting time and Im sure it will grow on me as the new 52 continues getting better and better!

The Resident Evil: Retribution Trailer is Here!

The Resident Evil: Retribution Trailer is Here!

Two words: Ada Wong!

Being Human Series 4 Launch Trailer: "The Stakes are High" - BBC Three

I was worried about this new series of Being Human after the departure of Mitchell and now the fact that George and Nina are going as well. But this trailer actually makes me excited to see the new series... well done BBC marketing :)

Super Mario Bros. Crossover 2.0 Trailer

Im playing this, I don't care what gets in my way/!

New The Amazing Spider-Man Plot Details Revealed

New The Amazing Spider-Man Plot Details Revealed

Skyrim for TI-84 Calcs

The things you can do with a calculator and a bit of imagination, genius!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

George Lucas is retiring?! Well who could blame him?

Taken from Denofgeek.com:

In a new interview with the New York Times, ahead of the US release of his next project, Red Tails, George Lucas has said “I’m retiring”. He added that “I’m moving away from the business, from the company, from all this kind of stuff”.

Appreciating that the Star Wars prequel trilogy has left a bit of a sour taste, as has the continual tinkering with the films themselves, George Lucas is an immense force in modern day movies. Without him, there’s no THX 1138, there’s no American Graffiti, there’s no Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Howard The Duck or Willow

The news of him moving away from the blockbuster film business, albeit with an out clause for Indiana Jones 5, comes off the back of the battle to get Red Tails to the screen. According to long-time producing partner Rick McCallum, “once this is finished, he’s done everything he’s ever wanted to”.

Will Lucas be gone from movies altogether, though? No. Instead, he wants to spend the rest of his film making days on smaller, personal films. Not commercial movies at all, by the sounds of it,.

Interestingly, Lucas also commented on the negative reactions he gets when he changes his films. “On the Internet, all those same guys that are complaining I made a change are completely changing the movie … I’m saying: ‘Fine. But my movie, with my name on it, that says I did it, needs to be the way I want it.’ ”

He added, talking about making more Star Wars films, “why would I make any more when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?”. He also noted that Steven Spielberg’s admission that the nuking the fridge in Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull was down to him, not Lucas, was false. “He’s trying to protect me”, Lucas said (before talking about why the fridge nuking was more plausible than people gave it credit for).

Street Fighter X Tekken Cinematic Trailer 5

Thursday 12 January 2012

Wednesday 11 January 2012

No PS4 at this years E3

Taken from kotaku.com:

Last week, trade site MCV reported that the PlayStation 4 would make an appearance at this year's E3 in Los Angeles. Sony begs to differ.
Both Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Corp. have come out in denial of the report, with SCE's Andrew House telling CVG "I don't think we're contemplating talking about anything to do with future console iterations at this point."
Sony's Kaz Hirai, meanwhile, said the same thing. "Andy (House) is absolutely right in that we are not making any announcements at E3. I've always said a 10-year life cycle for PS3, and there is no reason to go away from that."
Nintendo's Wii U will obviously be at the June expo, and it's becoming increasingly expected that Microsoft's follow-up to the Xbox 360 will be first revealed there as well. A PS4 presence would have made it one hell of a show, but, well, bummer.

I for one am very happy about this. I think the idea of a 10 year cycle is a brilliant one and having a new console "war" as it were in the next year or so would just be way to soon. With the Wii U being released this year and the next XboX rumored to be revealed at E3, its a very exciting year for gaming as it is. Plus I am sure Sony would want to put all their effort and drive into the PS Vita release rather than a new console.

Magneto is back in Frist Class Sequel

Taken from superherohype.com:
SuperHeroHype caught up with the in-demand actor tonight at the National Board of Review Gala in New York CIty, where he received the Spotlight Award for his roles in four 2011 movies, including "First Class," and Fassbender told us that he is indeed in!
"I have no choice. They contracted me for two options. I gotta get down with it," he joked. "We're at the ground level, but yeah I think there's going to be another one."
We all knew he would be back in some shape or form but it still is great to hear that Fassbender is def on board for the sequel :)

Tuesday 10 January 2012

The Soul Swords are back!!

Taken from UGO.com, heres what we have to look forward to in the latest instalment of the Soul series:

The Next Generation

SoulCalibur V features brand new characters, many of which are the offspring of some SoulCalibur veterans. This "next generation" of fighters have the potential to stand toe-to-toe with the SoulCalibur greats and bring refreshing, yet familiar, gameplay to the battle. Sophitia's children, Patroklos and Pyrrha use a sword and shield like their mother and many of their movements and abilities will feel familiar to Sophitia players. Leixia, the daughter of Xianghua, uses a sword just like her mother and moves around the playing field just as nimbly. Then, while not their children, we have Zatsu and Ziba who have trained under Taki and Kilik. Both characters fight like their respective masters and might become new favorites for Taki and Kilik players. Finally, there's Z.W.E.I. and Viola, who are mercenaries for Siegfreid. Z.W.E.I. is accompanied by a teleporting beast that fights with him during battle and Viola uses a magical crystal orb to disorient opponents.
SoulCalibur V
SoulCalibur V Credit: NAMCO BANDAI

Deeper Customization

Fans of SoulCalibur IV's character creation will be happy to know SoulCalibur V features even deeper character customization. Players can now customize body type, height, facial features and even the attributes of individual body parts, such as forearms and calves. You can also customize armor and clothing with patterns and designs and even change the color, effects and style of the weapons.
You start off by picking an exisiting character's fighting style to mimic, one of which includes the "Devil Jin" style from the Tekken series. This allows players to make characters that fight similar to Devil Jin and is the only fighting style exclusive to custom characters.
SoulCalibur V
SoulCalibur V Credit: NAMCO BANDAI

New Techniques

SoulCalibur V features many changes to the systems introduced to the series in SoulCalibur IV. The Guard Impact mechanic has been changed so that players must hold back, as opposed to forward, and press all three attack buttons together. This uses a portion of the new Critical Meter to repel unblockable attacks. It also ignores the height of the attack, blocking both high and low attacks.
The new Just Guard mechanic allows players to retaliate after attacks more quickly if they block an attack at the perfect moment. Performed by blocking just before impact, the Just Guard can be used to rush in quickly and link together otherwise slow combos. This is particularly helpful with slower characters like Nightmare and Astaroth, where close-combat is almost impossible. By performing a Just Guard, I was able to catch quick characters like Ivy and Maxi off-guard with Nightmare's big swings.
The Critical Meter mentioned before is part of the new way SoulCalibur is played. Critical Finishes and the Soul Gauge have been removed in lieu of a new gauge that is used to perform the new "Brave Edge" and "Critical Edge" attacks. This new mechanic has transformed SoulCalibur into a more traditional fighter, where players are constantly trying to raise their meter in order to unleash a special move.
SoulCalibur V
SoulCalibur V Credit: NAMCO BANDAI

New Stages

SoulCalibur V's new stages are vibrant and beautiful. There is a new focus on Ring Outs that transform stages into new environments when a character has been thrown to the lower level. The stages are ever-changing and players are constantly conscious of their environments and how to avoid attacks. Unlike other fighting games where the stages are just a pretty background and don't factor into the gameplay, SoulCalibur V becomes a dangerous when players get close too the edge of a stage and players will frantically try to out-sidestep one another to to avoid being defeated via Ring Out.
On the Sinking Merchant Ship stage specifically, versus matches quickly turned into trying to push each other towards the edges and, if I was the one too close, trying to reverse the situation. Once one of us fell off, the next round would start off in a lower section of the level, which was a completely new environment with new hazards and scenery.
SoulCalibur V
SoulCalibur V Credit: NAMCO BANDAI

Ezio Auditore de Firenze

SoulCalibur V features the king of assassins himself, Ezio Auditore from the Assassin's Creed series. Ezio joins the ranks of the SoulCalibur fighters and has no problem holding his own. He utilizes all the gadgets Leonardo da Vinci created for him through his travels, including the pistol and the double hidden blades. In addition, Ezio will have a sword, crossbow and countless other techniques to mame his opponents.
Ezio is extremely fast and accurately reflects his maneuverability from the Assassin Creed titles. I was dodging attacks, rolling over opponents backs and performing jumping hidden blade stabs fluidly and quickly. The larger characters were no match for me, as Ezio allowed me to sidestep and punish the heavier, slower swings of characters like Astaroth with ease. The quicker characters, such as Patroklos or Voldo, while proving to be a bit more problematic, were still unable to counter my swift attacks and lighting-fast counters.
Requiescat in pace.

Star Wars Live Action gets a new title

Taken from comingsoon.net:
The bad news for fans eagerly anticipating the live action "Star Wars" series is that not much has changed since word broke last June that the massive production is currently on hold, awaiting costs to drop to a point that will make the FX-heavy undertaking financially feasible. Producer Rick McCallum is hoping that won't be too far off, however, and today told IGN that the show even has a working title: "Star Wars: Underworld."

"It's underneath what's going on," he reiterated about the series' focus, "It's the criminals and the gangs. The guys who are running Wall Street, basically. The guys who are running the United States."

Even if the series is a few more years away, McCallum says there's no risk in the scripts become dating and that the delay can only make the show stronger.

"They're timeless," he explains. "They take place between Episode III and Episode IV. That 20 year period when Luke is growing up. It's not about Luke, but it's about that period when the Empire is trying to take things [over]."
Interesting. At least its a different spin on the same old Star Wars stories. Sounds like Boba Fett and co are def going to be a major player in this series.

Monday 9 January 2012

Facebookers Assemble!

Taken from Comicvine.com:

This is either a really good, or really, really not so good, depending on how you look at Facebook games. In an effort to compete with online Facebook games like Zynga's MAFIAWARS and FARMVILLE, Disney Interactive Media Group has announced the upcoming launch of their all-new Marvel Facebook game titled Marvel: Avengers Alliance.
It's one thing to go head-to-head against some of Marvel's biggest villains, but its a whole other when there is actually a point to all that fighting. According to a recent article the game will actually feature a story line. When the player launches the game they will be "recruited as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent.
As an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.. players will be given the opportunity to build an all-Marvel team featuring some of the publisher's biggest names including Spider-Man, Thor, Captain America and many more. With your team of Marvel Avengers, players will deal with the repercussions of "the PULSE," a galaxy-wide disaster that has left planet earth vulnerable by targeting the super-villains of Earth and making them stronger. Based on the trailer, some of the super-villains players will face off against include Doctor Doom, Loki, Magneto and more.The question remains, what will be the cause of "the PULSE?" We will have to wait and see.
While we don't have a lot of information about the upcoming game at this time, we do have a very cool trailer that would get just about anyone excited to build their very own team of heroes to face off against some powerful super-villains. This all-new RPG game developed by Playdom will allow plays not only to command heroes, but to face head-to-head against some of the Marvel Universe's most nefarious villains. The game will be available to play exclusively on Facebook, and while it is not yet available, the first people to "like" the Facebook page will be the first to play this new RPG game.
What do you think of the trailer? Do you think that the premise for the game sounds interesting? Do you like to play games on Facebook?

Thursday 5 January 2012

Star Trek 2 Update

From Empire.com:

The sneaky British infiltration of JJ Abrams’ revival of Star Trek’s cinematic fortunes continues apace! With Simon Pegg already entrenched as Scotty in the first film (Pegg just jetted to LA to begin work on the sequel), the next addition was Alice Eve, who signed on late last year. Now two of the UK’s brightest filmmaking talents are heading into space, with Benedict Cumberbatch and Noel Clarke announced as leaping aboard.
This being the Abrams/Damon Lindelof/Roberto Orci/Alex Kurtzman Trek universe, both actors' exact roles are being kept a secret for now. Variety was able to dig up, however, that Clarke is playing a family man with a wife and young daughter and The Hollywood Reporter has it that Cumberbatch will slip into the role of the villain that Benicio Del Toro was being courted for.
Cumberbatch has been pinging Hollywood's radar something rotten recently, between his superb work on the BBC's Sherlock and supporting roles in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and War Horse. He's already been snapped up for one evil role, agreeing to voice greedy dragon Smaug for Peter Jackson's Hobbit films.
Along with his directing/writing/acting duties in the likes of Adulthood and, Clarke already has space (and time) travel experience thanks to his time spent as Mickey Smith in Doctor Who’s TARDIS. This time, we doubt he’ll be worried about being seen as the tin dog.

Thats pretty sweet news. Clarke is a brilliant actor (Im not referring to Mickey here though lol) and Cumberbatch is equally deserving of bigger recognition after his stunning turn in Sherlock. Coupled with his part in the Hobbit as the voice of the dragon Smaug, I think its gonna be a pretty good few years for Mr Cumberbatch. Now get him to guest star on Doctor Who Moffat!

Marvel Team Up!

From Empire.com:

Forget trailers, interviews and on-set photography… when it comes to getting the drop on the latest Hollywood blockbuster, examining your local toy shop is the way to go. Last week we reported on how a remote-controlled car had given away a first proper look at The Amazing Spider-Man’s Lizard, and this week, a new toy appears to have given away one of The Avengers’ biggest secrets.

Take a look at the following promotional blurb from HeroClix, manufacturers of the official line of Avengers action figures and see if you can spot anything surprising…

“Charging straight out of theaters and onto your tabletop, Marvel’s the Avengers Movie HeroClix set features heroes like Captain America and Thor as they battle the villainy of the Red Skull and Loki!”

The Red Skull? Well, that’s a new one on us! Last time we saw Hugo Weaving’s crimson-faced villain, he was vaporised by the power of the Cosmic Cube at the end of Captain America: The First Avenger.

However, as any Marvel fanboy will tell you, the Cosmic Cube’s weird, reality-altering energies can do all sorts to those they ensnare, including transporting someone through time and space…

We’re presuming HeroClix haven’t knocked up a Red Skull action figure just for the hell of it, so expect to see the Avengers facing off against more than just Loki when the film arrives in UK cinemas on 27 April 2012.

All I can say is..... Awwwwwwww YEAH!! :D

Wednesday 4 January 2012

SOUL CALIBUR V Character Trailer

Get here now February!

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Video Game, Jump Festa 2012: Full Length Japanese Trailer | Video Clip | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Video Game, Jump Festa 2012: Full Length Japanese Trailer | Video Clip | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com

John Barrowman: Spiderman Medley - Live at Newcastle 01/11/10

Wonder Harkness!!

Bane Speaks! // A "The Dark Knight Rises" Parody


Oh Ewan!

According to an article at MSNBC.com, Ewan McGregor was surprised to learn that The Phantom Menace is coming back to theaters in 3-D form. The source is an interview McGregor did with GQ Magazine highlighting the fact that he has three other films set to be released in 2012. Here is the quote snippet from the interview:

"They're actually going to rerelease it into the cinema?" he asks. "Well, that's interesting."

Looks like Obi-Wan hasn't been keeping up with the Holonet news of late!

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Oh rly?!

Taken from Gadget show website:

The Nintendo Wii U will be the first major console launch for 2012. We have yet to know exactly everything it can do, or release date if truth be known, but already the rumours are flying in. The latest is that Nintendo will launch an E-Reader style service for the Wii U.
If true, an E-Reader service for Nintendo Wii U owners will please those hoping for extra functionality besides games from Nintendo’s latest console.
Word of a possible Wii U E-Reader platform comes from a report from an unnamed source that was allegedly approached by Nintendo to help plan a digital books service to download magazines, newspapers, comics and player guides that owners will be able to read on the Wii U’s tablet-style controller.

The report goes on to say that the Nintendo 3DS will also share the Wii U’s E-Reader service. It also sounds like electronic instruction booklets may also be on the cards, even for older SNES and N64 Virtual Console games that users could flip through using the Wii U controller – something that is sure to go down well with retro gaming fans.
A subscription service would see the latest digital issues of magazines automatically download to the Nintendo Wii U. It all sounds very exciting, but lets not forget that Nintendo has yet to officially confirm any of the above.
The Nintendo Wii U was first unveiled at E3 2011. Nintendo only showed off a few games for the new console, and its ability to stream games to its tablet style controller, without revealing very much else, so expect to hear lots more about the console at E3 2012 this June. But does a Wii U E-Reader service sound appealing? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Innnnnnteresting. With the Wii-U having its fair share of features and possibilities, 2012 is a gonna be a good year for gamers!

Banes a bit louder now

Taken from SFX.com:

Sounds Like Nolan Has Improved That Dark Knight Rises Dialogue

The one thing that everybody who’s seen the six-minute prologue to The Dark Knight (including our own Nick Setchfield) has mentioned is how difficult is was to hear what Bane was saying from behind that distinctive mask.
And a few weeks back director Christopher Nolan told The Hollywood Reporter that any changes to improve the dialogue would be minimal.
But don’t worry about having to go to see subtitled screenings of the film, because it now seems that Nolan may have bowed to pressure (after all, you don’t want a story about incomprehensible dialogue plaguing your prepublicity for six months prior to releaase). If Collider is to be believed, a new print of the prologue has been sent to IMAX cinemas which clarifies Bane’s mumbling by up to 50%.
“A friend of mine who is an IMAX projectionist told me they received a new soundtrack for the Dark Knight Rises prologue,” says the site’s source. “The cool thing about this is that they’ve cleaned up the dialogue. They’ve gone in and lowered the background noise of the plane and other things, thus making Bane’s dialogue clearer and more understandable. He asked some people after they left the movie if they could understand Bane and they all said they had no issue understanding him, and were excited for the movie.”
If anyone here in the UK could confirm that a similarly “improved” prologue print has made its way over here, we’d love to hear from you.

Thats good to hear, literally ;)

Monday 2 January 2012

Star Wars Legend Passes Away

As taken from theforce.net:

Legenday swordmaster Bob Anderson has passed away at the age of 89. Besides his work in the original Star Wars trilogy, Anderson added his fencing expertise to such Hollywood hits as The Mask of Zorro, The Lord of the Rings, The Three Musketeers (1993), The Princess Bride and most recently The Hobbit.

We thank Bob Anderson for all of his film contributions and we send our thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.

Bob Anderson was an amazing choreographer, brilliant swordsman and also a fantastic bloke. His fight scenes are legendary and I am so glad he got to work on the Hobbit before he passed away to continue his excellent work on the Lord of The Rings trilogy. He and his work will be sorely missed, RIP Bob!

Sonic 4 Episode II Announcement

Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy 2012