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Sunday 24 April 2011

Review of The Impossible Astronaut!

Well last night Doctor Who returned to our screens with a brilliant, fast paced opening episode that just leaves you dying to know and see more.
The episode starts off with a bang, within the first 10 minutes we have the Ponds (well Amy at least) anxiously waiting for the Doctor to contact them and looking for any signs he may be giving them through history books and text. Rather fantastically he also slips himself into Rorys favourite Laurel and Hardy story to get the Ponds attention, whilst wearing a fez of course! We get River Song escaping her cell in the future, with a guard saying exactly what we were thinking “Dr Song has escaped, again!” It helps to highlight that its River who chooses to be there rather than imprisoned for her yet to be revealed crime.  They all meet up with the Doctor (in a Stetson… Stetsons are cool) in America after each receiving a Tardis blue enveloped invitation. To cut a long story short something Important happens to the Dr and it’s the companions this time that have to be the bearers of future knowledge and to watch out for the Doctors every move.
We get a first glimpse at the puppeteers behind the scenes who orchestrated the explosion of the Tardis last series, and who have been pulling the Doctors strings for centuries. They are a very effective looking “big bad” and have that creepiness that only Steven Moffat can bring to his creations! They also have an effective story telling power, anyone who takes their eyes off of them instantly forgets they were ever there. Until they see them again and then they remember, until they once again look away. It’s a brilliant way of increasing the tension of the aliens and makes them into a very intriguing enemy of the Doctor!
Many secrets are revealed and there are more questions created than answered but that helps to keep you wanting more and more and immensely looking forward to the next episode. Not to mention the overarching storyline of the series since Mr Moffat took over the reigns from Russell T Davies.
The direction for the episode is excellent, with Toby Haynes making the USA look beautiful and vastly immense. In HD the setting is breath-taking, as is the music from the genius that is Murray Gold. Keeping some themes from the last series (including the fantastic “I am the Doctor”) Gold adds more themes to the brilliant soundtrack, which adds lots of power and emotion to the scenes that are fantastically written and acted.
All of the main actors (plus the new character Canton Delaware III) shine in  their individual moments and together as a group. Smith is constantly adding layers upon layers of character to the Doctor, ranging from quietly angry (his lack of trust in River is fitting) to some amazing one liners (my favourite being “Im from Scotland Yard, codenamed the Doctor. These are my associates “The legs(Amy)”, “the nose (Rory)” and “Mrs Robinson” (River)!)” Gillain, Darvill and Kingston bring emotion and 3 dimensions to their characters.
Thanks to the always amazing Mr Steven Moffat, the wait for the concluding episode next week may prove even more anxious than the 4 month wait for yesterdays premier!
Pop back next week to see what I think J

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