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Wednesday 13 April 2011

Doctor Who series 6 first half explained

Here we go, brace yourselves... and in the words of Dr Song "spoilers!"

The Impossble Astronaut / Day Of The Moon
For the first time since the show came back, we're starting with a two-parter. I said to our genius director Toby Haynes (The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang and A Christmas Carol), "Start like it's the finale", and my God, that's just what he's done. I'm not sure Doctor Who has ever felt bigger, bolder or madder. The Doctor, Amy, Rory and River in the Valley of the Gods, Nixon's White House, Area 51 and a strangely familiar spaceship. Oh, and there's Alex Kingston diving backwards off a scyscraper.

Look, what else do you want from your television? Well, monsters, I expect. And oh, we've got monsters. The Silence, revealed at last. And I'd like to tell you about them. I really would. But I can't - I just can't. You'll see.

The Curse Of The Black Spot
Pirates in Doctor Who! Hugh Bonneville in a beard! Matt Smith in a stupid hat! Ooh, this one's got it all. Brilliant Seve Thompson (he wrote a Sherlock last year - good show, I hear) hinted to me he'd rather like to write a Doctor Who. And he hinted it every single day for the next six months. When I finally agreed (and he was kind enough to release my family from his garage), it was one of the smartest decisions I;ve made on this show.

This is Doctor Who in the grand tradition: spooky and clever and very funny. And new director Jeremy Webb did such a stellar job (on a real ship, by the way) that we locked the cutting-room door and told him he was staying to do another one straightaway. He's still crying. Tears of joy, I expect.

The Doctor's Wife
"Fear me - I've killed hundreds of Time Lords."
"Fear me - I've killed all of them".

Remember those lines from the trailer? Well, this is the one they come from. At last Proper Writing God Neil Gaiman steps on board the TARDIS. Now if you know Neil's work (and if you don't, what's the matter with you?) then you already know he's a Doctor Who fan. You can just sense it in every line, every joke, every spooky moment - and look at his hair! It's funny, but as one of the most famous novelists in the world, writing an episode of a television show should feel like a big departure for him - but actually it feels like he's coming home.

And it's a fact that all of the photos in existence of out studios, 82 per cent were taken by Neil on his one-day set visit. Ah, but I don't seem to have said anything about the plot or that title. Oh well!

The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
"Oh dear," said Marcus Wilson, our steadfast and undefeatable new producer, looking at his BlackBerry. "The roof's fallen in." "What do you mean?" we asked. "Oh, what's happened this time?""No, it's not a metaphor," said Marcus, wearily. "It's the roof. It's actually fallen in!" For a shoot that involved a collapsing location and, for a while, a director (hello, Julian Simpson!) on painkillers and a walking stick, this is a craker of a two-parter.

Get behind the sofa now - reserve your place. If you, like me, have always longed for a movie abouot an alien shape-changer and an industrail dispute, this is the one for you. Yes it's The Thing meets Made in Dagenham - and a brief but terrifying insight into the mind of that king among television writers, Matthew Graham (Life On Mars/Ashes to Ashes) You'll probably want a little sit down afterwards.

A Good Man Goes To War
Want to find the most dangerous place in theuniverse? Easy. Harm a hair on Amy's head any just wait. But as the last of the Time Lords and the Lone Centurion blaze across galaxies to save the woman in both their lives, history is unfolding. In her cell, in Stormcage, River Song knows the time has come at last. She has a secret, and this is the day she tells it.

The battle of Demons Run has begun. And the Doctor's darkest hour is now.

Arrrgh, the 23rd can't come soon enough. And I love the hints about A good man goes to War... Lone Centurion and the Last of the Time Lords racing to save Amy whilst River has decided to reveal who or what she is. GEEKGASM :D

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