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Saturday 30 April 2011

Day of the Moon, micro review!!

Wow…. That’s all I can say right now after just witnessing another fantastic 45 minutes of Doctor Who. I won’t spoil anything but this episode, whilst being the second part of a two part story, just leaves everyone with more questions than there are answers!
The pre credits scene is just full of win. You have action, suspense and humour all in under  5 minutes.
This episode answers some questions about the creepy Silence and leads the Doctor to completely take them and undermine everytrhing they have tried to do to us for centuries! Acting wise, once again, everyone hits their stride and keeps on running. Rory and Amys scenes are lovely in them and just go to show that she has two main men in her life, her husband and her best friend. River Song is once again enigmatic yet completely inriging. Her final scene of the episode is very emotional and hits hard about what she mentioned about the Doctor in the proceeding story.
With tons of questions and what the hell moments, it’s a brilliant episode that sets the arc of the coming season up very nicely! That last moment of the episode is just shocking!

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