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Saturday 30 April 2011

Day of the Moon, micro review!!

Wow…. That’s all I can say right now after just witnessing another fantastic 45 minutes of Doctor Who. I won’t spoil anything but this episode, whilst being the second part of a two part story, just leaves everyone with more questions than there are answers!
The pre credits scene is just full of win. You have action, suspense and humour all in under  5 minutes.
This episode answers some questions about the creepy Silence and leads the Doctor to completely take them and undermine everytrhing they have tried to do to us for centuries! Acting wise, once again, everyone hits their stride and keeps on running. Rory and Amys scenes are lovely in them and just go to show that she has two main men in her life, her husband and her best friend. River Song is once again enigmatic yet completely inriging. Her final scene of the episode is very emotional and hits hard about what she mentioned about the Doctor in the proceeding story.
With tons of questions and what the hell moments, it’s a brilliant episode that sets the arc of the coming season up very nicely! That last moment of the episode is just shocking!

In brightest day!

In blackest night! I personally love this poster, for one reason its just a great ensemble shot. The main reason though is its a direct homage to the poster below it. Brilliant!

Thursday 28 April 2011

Harry Potter!

Is it just me or whilst the new Harry Potter trailer is brilliant and pretty epic, the person who designed it really over used the Voldemort screaming/shouting sound effect. Its almost as bad as the overused growling in the Wolverine trailer.

See for yourself after the jump....


ps. I can't wait :D

Sunday 24 April 2011

Review of The Impossible Astronaut!

Well last night Doctor Who returned to our screens with a brilliant, fast paced opening episode that just leaves you dying to know and see more.
The episode starts off with a bang, within the first 10 minutes we have the Ponds (well Amy at least) anxiously waiting for the Doctor to contact them and looking for any signs he may be giving them through history books and text. Rather fantastically he also slips himself into Rorys favourite Laurel and Hardy story to get the Ponds attention, whilst wearing a fez of course! We get River Song escaping her cell in the future, with a guard saying exactly what we were thinking “Dr Song has escaped, again!” It helps to highlight that its River who chooses to be there rather than imprisoned for her yet to be revealed crime.  They all meet up with the Doctor (in a Stetson… Stetsons are cool) in America after each receiving a Tardis blue enveloped invitation. To cut a long story short something Important happens to the Dr and it’s the companions this time that have to be the bearers of future knowledge and to watch out for the Doctors every move.
We get a first glimpse at the puppeteers behind the scenes who orchestrated the explosion of the Tardis last series, and who have been pulling the Doctors strings for centuries. They are a very effective looking “big bad” and have that creepiness that only Steven Moffat can bring to his creations! They also have an effective story telling power, anyone who takes their eyes off of them instantly forgets they were ever there. Until they see them again and then they remember, until they once again look away. It’s a brilliant way of increasing the tension of the aliens and makes them into a very intriguing enemy of the Doctor!
Many secrets are revealed and there are more questions created than answered but that helps to keep you wanting more and more and immensely looking forward to the next episode. Not to mention the overarching storyline of the series since Mr Moffat took over the reigns from Russell T Davies.
The direction for the episode is excellent, with Toby Haynes making the USA look beautiful and vastly immense. In HD the setting is breath-taking, as is the music from the genius that is Murray Gold. Keeping some themes from the last series (including the fantastic “I am the Doctor”) Gold adds more themes to the brilliant soundtrack, which adds lots of power and emotion to the scenes that are fantastically written and acted.
All of the main actors (plus the new character Canton Delaware III) shine in  their individual moments and together as a group. Smith is constantly adding layers upon layers of character to the Doctor, ranging from quietly angry (his lack of trust in River is fitting) to some amazing one liners (my favourite being “Im from Scotland Yard, codenamed the Doctor. These are my associates “The legs(Amy)”, “the nose (Rory)” and “Mrs Robinson” (River)!)” Gillain, Darvill and Kingston bring emotion and 3 dimensions to their characters.
Thanks to the always amazing Mr Steven Moffat, the wait for the concluding episode next week may prove even more anxious than the 4 month wait for yesterdays premier!
Pop back next week to see what I think J

Saturday 23 April 2011

Todays the day!! (No its not Dolmio!)

Tonight at 6pm, we welcome back the greatest and longest running sci fi show in the history of television. I am sure everyone is aware that the opening episode of series 6 returns this evening, as there have been trailers abound in the past few weeks. I won't say anything to spoil it and will give my thoughts on this episode, The Impossible Astronaut and its follow up (as we are opening with a two parter this year!) The Day of The Moon a week on Monday.

So fellow whovians, geeks, parents and children, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride (I am doing with Sonic Screwdriver in hand!). Oh and if you get peckish Im sure a cup of tea and a jammy dodger will set you right ;)

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Sarah Jane passes away

Its with great sadness to announce that Elisabeth Sladen, aka companion of the Doctor Sarah Jane Smith, passed away last night aged 63 after a battle with Cancer. Liverpool-born Sladen first appeared on the BBC show in 1973 and had many adventures with the third and fourth Doctor before leaving the show in 1976.
Sladen went on to star in her own spin-off children's show, The Sarah Jane Adventures, the latest series of which was aired late last year.
"I absolutely loved Lis," former Doctor Who writer Russell T Davies, who created The Sarah Jane Adventures, said. "She was funny and cheeky and clever and just simply wonderful."
Doctor Who's lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat paid his tribute.
"'Never meet your heroes', wise people say. They weren't thinking of Lis Sladen," said Moffat.
"Sarah Jane Smith was everybody's hero when I was younger, and as brave and funny and brilliant as people only ever are in stories.
"She was exactly as any child would ever have wanted her to be. Kind and gentle and clever; and a ferociously talented actress but in that perfectly English unassuming way." he added.

Goodnight Sarah Jane, you will be sorely missed. You are no doubt somewhere sharing exciting stories of wondrous places with the Brig and the first three Drs!

Elisabeth Sladen: 1st February 1948 - 19th April 2011

Thursday 14 April 2011

Street Fighter X Tekken '8 minutes of Gameplay' TRUE-HD QUALITY

I honestly cannot wait for this game. Having hated Tekken 6, but loved all the others, this game looks to be fun and exciting whilst balancing the Tekken characters with Street Fighter 4s controls and iconic artistic style!

Street Fighter X Tekken Cinematic Trailer [HD] - Captivate 2011

Wow..... purdy cutscene ahoy!

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Doctor Who series 6 first half explained

Here we go, brace yourselves... and in the words of Dr Song "spoilers!"

The Impossble Astronaut / Day Of The Moon
For the first time since the show came back, we're starting with a two-parter. I said to our genius director Toby Haynes (The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang and A Christmas Carol), "Start like it's the finale", and my God, that's just what he's done. I'm not sure Doctor Who has ever felt bigger, bolder or madder. The Doctor, Amy, Rory and River in the Valley of the Gods, Nixon's White House, Area 51 and a strangely familiar spaceship. Oh, and there's Alex Kingston diving backwards off a scyscraper.

Look, what else do you want from your television? Well, monsters, I expect. And oh, we've got monsters. The Silence, revealed at last. And I'd like to tell you about them. I really would. But I can't - I just can't. You'll see.

The Curse Of The Black Spot
Pirates in Doctor Who! Hugh Bonneville in a beard! Matt Smith in a stupid hat! Ooh, this one's got it all. Brilliant Seve Thompson (he wrote a Sherlock last year - good show, I hear) hinted to me he'd rather like to write a Doctor Who. And he hinted it every single day for the next six months. When I finally agreed (and he was kind enough to release my family from his garage), it was one of the smartest decisions I;ve made on this show.

This is Doctor Who in the grand tradition: spooky and clever and very funny. And new director Jeremy Webb did such a stellar job (on a real ship, by the way) that we locked the cutting-room door and told him he was staying to do another one straightaway. He's still crying. Tears of joy, I expect.

The Doctor's Wife
"Fear me - I've killed hundreds of Time Lords."
"Fear me - I've killed all of them".

Remember those lines from the trailer? Well, this is the one they come from. At last Proper Writing God Neil Gaiman steps on board the TARDIS. Now if you know Neil's work (and if you don't, what's the matter with you?) then you already know he's a Doctor Who fan. You can just sense it in every line, every joke, every spooky moment - and look at his hair! It's funny, but as one of the most famous novelists in the world, writing an episode of a television show should feel like a big departure for him - but actually it feels like he's coming home.

And it's a fact that all of the photos in existence of out studios, 82 per cent were taken by Neil on his one-day set visit. Ah, but I don't seem to have said anything about the plot or that title. Oh well!

The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
"Oh dear," said Marcus Wilson, our steadfast and undefeatable new producer, looking at his BlackBerry. "The roof's fallen in." "What do you mean?" we asked. "Oh, what's happened this time?""No, it's not a metaphor," said Marcus, wearily. "It's the roof. It's actually fallen in!" For a shoot that involved a collapsing location and, for a while, a director (hello, Julian Simpson!) on painkillers and a walking stick, this is a craker of a two-parter.

Get behind the sofa now - reserve your place. If you, like me, have always longed for a movie abouot an alien shape-changer and an industrail dispute, this is the one for you. Yes it's The Thing meets Made in Dagenham - and a brief but terrifying insight into the mind of that king among television writers, Matthew Graham (Life On Mars/Ashes to Ashes) You'll probably want a little sit down afterwards.

A Good Man Goes To War
Want to find the most dangerous place in theuniverse? Easy. Harm a hair on Amy's head any just wait. But as the last of the Time Lords and the Lone Centurion blaze across galaxies to save the woman in both their lives, history is unfolding. In her cell, in Stormcage, River Song knows the time has come at last. She has a secret, and this is the day she tells it.

The battle of Demons Run has begun. And the Doctor's darkest hour is now.

Arrrgh, the 23rd can't come soon enough. And I love the hints about A good man goes to War... Lone Centurion and the Last of the Time Lords racing to save Amy whilst River has decided to reveal who or what she is. GEEKGASM :D

In brightest day, in blackest night.... everyone will be able to see my toes!

Ryan Reynolds in the Full Green Lantern CG Suit | Superhero Hype

Monday 4 April 2011

X-Men OP hmm

Am not really feeling this new anime series of X-Men. Cyclops (and some of the other designs) look a bit daft and the voice over artists don't rock my World. But its got some thins going for it... The core team is the team from Astonishing X-Men (cool) plus Storm (cool again), it teases at X-Men history with Jean and Dark Phoenix (very very cool) and Beast and Armour look bloody wicked!

ThunderCats 2011 Trailer [HD]

New Thundercats cartoon that looks awesome sir?

Yes please!

Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!