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Wednesday 16 November 2011

Spoilers and shit

Heres a quote from another website claiming some new news on The Dark Knight Rises:

Here is a little about how Bane terrorises Gotham city and his personality:
Bane is a successful villain. He comes into Gotham with a plan executes it and stops anyone who tries to stop him. He’s tactical and smart he knows who to apply pressure to and who to get rid of however he has a short fuse and when Batman begins to gain the upper hand Bane resorts to drastic measures.
About the device that threatens Gothams existence:
The device, whatever it is, GOES OFF at some point and destroys a massive part of Gotham State and cripples the entire city. Law enforcement is useless against it and in fear of another attack in other major cities or in Gotham again people are quiet about trying to stop Bane head on. This leads to a depressive state in Gotham where fear of the machine and Bane’s use of it keeps Gotham in line.
Could the Batwing be in the film?
Also, Got to see some of the night shoot from the other day, I never once saw Catwoman But I could tell Batman was talking to someone. Whatever the conversation was, he didn’t look…Happy. It’s hard to tell what he looked like but the exchanged looked somewhat charged. Also he looked as if he was talking to the Batwing…

Very interesting snippets. We know for sure that the Batwing is in the film, if it is gonna be called that, who knows. Bane sounds much like his comic book counterpart, but with a short fuse that Batman seems to know how to ignite and undermine him.

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