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Tuesday 29 November 2011

Is this what happens in the Dark Knight Rises Prologue?

This description was found on a website claiming to have seen the forthcoming Dark Knight Rises prologue. Take from it what you will and remember that it could be far from the truth. Mind you, if this is what happens during the prologue, it sounds bloody fantastic!

According to the website, the prologue covers one of the assassinations ordered by Ra’s al Ghul. “A mind-blowing action sequence set aside the Hercules plane, involving some innovative camera work, a la Inception’s hallway fight scene”, it says.

The scene sees Bane and his crew hijacking a military plane, that happens to be carrying a nation’s dictator. Bane “successfully kills the leader, but makes some mistakes along the way and is unable to safely land the plane. Because of the resulting injuries from the accident, he has to undergo complicated surgeries, and that is how he winds up with that scar down his neck, and the need for the mask to numb the pain”.

Rama's Screen’s source also suggests that the backstory of Bane has been altered. Now, he’s raised by Ra’s al Ghul, and “his upbringing mirrors that of Bruce Wayne”.
Working for the League Of Shadows, “he kills political figures that are deemed unfit”, and “he comes to Gotham to start a revolution by revealing the cover up dealing with Harvey Dent”, along with “killing the Mayor, among other key political figures”.

I love the idea that Bane is going to reveal the cover up about Harvey Dent being Two Face and that it will begin a revolution with the structure of Gotham City. Plus the back story to Bane being raised by Ra's Al Ghul creates a link between Bane and Bruce Wayne that will no doubt be exploited and explored. Be sure to catch an IMAX screening of Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol next month to see the prologue in all its glory!

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