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Wednesday 30 November 2011

It's time.

Beautifully made

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Is this what happens in the Dark Knight Rises Prologue?

This description was found on a website claiming to have seen the forthcoming Dark Knight Rises prologue. Take from it what you will and remember that it could be far from the truth. Mind you, if this is what happens during the prologue, it sounds bloody fantastic!

According to the website, the prologue covers one of the assassinations ordered by Ra’s al Ghul. “A mind-blowing action sequence set aside the Hercules plane, involving some innovative camera work, a la Inception’s hallway fight scene”, it says.

The scene sees Bane and his crew hijacking a military plane, that happens to be carrying a nation’s dictator. Bane “successfully kills the leader, but makes some mistakes along the way and is unable to safely land the plane. Because of the resulting injuries from the accident, he has to undergo complicated surgeries, and that is how he winds up with that scar down his neck, and the need for the mask to numb the pain”.

Rama's Screen’s source also suggests that the backstory of Bane has been altered. Now, he’s raised by Ra’s al Ghul, and “his upbringing mirrors that of Bruce Wayne”.
Working for the League Of Shadows, “he kills political figures that are deemed unfit”, and “he comes to Gotham to start a revolution by revealing the cover up dealing with Harvey Dent”, along with “killing the Mayor, among other key political figures”.

I love the idea that Bane is going to reveal the cover up about Harvey Dent being Two Face and that it will begin a revolution with the structure of Gotham City. Plus the back story to Bane being raised by Ra's Al Ghul creates a link between Bane and Bruce Wayne that will no doubt be exploited and explored. Be sure to catch an IMAX screening of Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol next month to see the prologue in all its glory!

Monday 28 November 2011

Bret Mckenzie drops hints about a Conchords movie!

Since the second series of Flight Of The Conchords finished a couple of years ago, it has been Jemaine Clement who has seemingly had the better big screen career. He's picked up roles in the likes of Dinner For Schmucks, Gentlemen Broncos, Rio and the upcoming Men In Black 3.
However, the other half of the Conchords, Bret McKenzie, will appear in a small role in The Hobbit (he also appeared briefly in Lord of the Rings: Return of the King) and has also been promoting his work on The Muppets recently. And now? He's been hinting at the possibility of a Flight Of The Conchords movie.
Specifically, McKenzie stated the following whilst on red carpet duties: “We’re gonna try and do a movie. We just need a story.”
From that brief snippet of information it’s clear that we shouldn’t expect the movie any time soon. Not that the two are likely to be short of work. Clement will probably continue to get offered an array of wacky supporting roles. And there’s a strong chance that McKenzie could be an Academy Award winner in the Best Original Song category next year for The Muppets.

Gah, I hope that this happens. As brilliant as the tv show was, I felt that it could have gone at least another series and ending way before its time. I understand it was more of the fact that the second series was difficult for them to make due to them having to write all new songs and have stories around them. Heres hoping htat given enough time, they can make a strong, funny movie with all the charm of the series.

Thursday 17 November 2011

New Banners for Marvel's The Avengers Revealed!

Here are the awesome new banners for the Avengers film. Sadly Cap looks very cgi and not realm also its a shame its a picture of Banner and not the Hulk. Im liking the look on Lokis face though, you just know he is going to F them all up!

Arkham City Review

For the past month I have been playing the hell out of just one game, just one. Many other games are sat next to my tv, waiting, nay begging to be played and starting to feel jealous of my time spent with this one amazing game. That game is Arkham City.

There really is nothing else I can say in this review that hasn’t already been said by countless others in magazines, newpapers and on the internet. So all I am going to say is that Arkham City is the game to which all other super hero, hell even all other action games, should be judge against. It is a pinnacle of what a game should be. A fantastic story with amazing graphics and sound, absorbing gameplay and tons of replay value.

With over 440 Riddler trophies to collect, countless side quests, over 10 challenge maps with different goals per character and loads of other content. I won’t even begin to mention the extra DLC characters or upcoming challenge maps. The content in this game is staggering. It makes the previous game, Arkham Asylum, look like a test run for everything we have here.
Do yourself a favour, buy this game, kick back and immerse yourself in the stunning World of Arkham City.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Spoilers and shit

Heres a quote from another website claiming some new news on The Dark Knight Rises:

Here is a little about how Bane terrorises Gotham city and his personality:
Bane is a successful villain. He comes into Gotham with a plan executes it and stops anyone who tries to stop him. He’s tactical and smart he knows who to apply pressure to and who to get rid of however he has a short fuse and when Batman begins to gain the upper hand Bane resorts to drastic measures.
About the device that threatens Gothams existence:
The device, whatever it is, GOES OFF at some point and destroys a massive part of Gotham State and cripples the entire city. Law enforcement is useless against it and in fear of another attack in other major cities or in Gotham again people are quiet about trying to stop Bane head on. This leads to a depressive state in Gotham where fear of the machine and Bane’s use of it keeps Gotham in line.
Could the Batwing be in the film?
Also, Got to see some of the night shoot from the other day, I never once saw Catwoman But I could tell Batman was talking to someone. Whatever the conversation was, he didn’t look…Happy. It’s hard to tell what he looked like but the exchanged looked somewhat charged. Also he looked as if he was talking to the Batwing…

Very interesting snippets. We know for sure that the Batwing is in the film, if it is gonna be called that, who knows. Bane sounds much like his comic book counterpart, but with a short fuse that Batman seems to know how to ignite and undermine him.

Skyrim Trailer - Retro Edition

Retro goodness!

Monday 14 November 2011

Doctor Who movie may be in the works

Lifted from Denofgeek.com:

Doctor Who may be just years away from returning to the big screen. And Harry Potter helmer David Yates is set to direct it. Details here.

Published on Nov 14, 2011

Variety is reporting tonight that a deal has been done to press ahead with a long-mooted Doctor Who movie. It’s a bit of a bolt from the blue, this one, as the last we heard regarding a Who film was when rumours were circulating that Russell T Davies would be involved, with David Tennant starring.
This, however, seems to be a different beast, and a far bigger one.

David Yates, the director of the last four Harry Potter films, has told Variety that he’s now developing a Doctor Who film in conjunction with Jane Tranter at BBC Worldwide. Yates is quoted as saying “we’re looking at writers now. We’re going to take two to three years to get it right. It needs quite a radical transformation to take it into the bigger arena”.

The Variety story confirms that the planned movie will be independent of both Russell T Davies’ and Steven Moffat’s take on Doctor Who, with Yates saying both did versions that were “fantastic”, but that “we have to put that aside and start from scratch”.

That, presumably, rules out David Tenannt and Matt Smith from starring, too. Peter Cushing, sadly, died in 1994, so he’s out, as well.

No further news are known about the story just yet, but this is, surely, the biggest attempt to bring Who to the big screen since the days of Doctor Who And The Daleks and Daleks’ Invasion Earth: 2150AD. With Yates behind the project, this might just happen, too.

There’s been no reaction that we can find from Steven Moffat and Russell T Davies thus far, incidentally. There has also been no official confirmation from the BBC. But the source is Yates himself, and that suggests there might be something to this. The Doctor vs Voldemort, then?

So what do you think? Yates is a British director, and has said he wants to capture a “British sensibility” with the film, but hasn’t ruled out using American writers. And then there’s the casting: who will be the big screen Doctor?

Share your thoughts in the comments below, and the Variety story is here.

All I have to say about this is please Lord no. I for one enjoyed the Peter Cushing films but they were  so out of synch with the tv show that it felt jarring. Even though they were basically remakes of two preivous  Dalek TV stories with a human, actual Doctor Who they have an odd place in the who-niverse and feel so out of place with the lore which is almost 50 years old! I really hope this either falls at the first hurdle or if you are going to do a Doctor Who movie, give it to Stephen Moffat to write and actually have it in line with the TV show. An extended, feature length cinematic story with the current Doctor or even the one who will no doubt appear sometime after or around the 50th anniversary in 2013. Just please dont make a random stand alone feature film, it would just seem so out of place!

Immortals Review


After declaring war on humanity when the Gods leave his family to die from illness, King Hyperion (Micky Rouke) searches all of Greece for the Epirus Bow, a powerful weapon forged by the God Ares. His plan is to advance on Mount Tartarus and use the bow to destroy a long hidden prison containing the Titans, a powerful race of God like beings who were imprisoned there after being defeated by the Gods themselves. Meanwhile a young man named Theseus (Henry Cavill), who has been unknowingly trained by a disguised Zeus to become a leader of men, is pushed towards his destiny when King Hyperion ransacks his village and kills his mother.  Joining forces with a run away Oracle and a convicted theif, Theseus follows Hyperion to Mount Tartarus where he plans to gain his revenge and meet his destiny head on.


The recent fad of filming things on green screen and adding all the background detail in post-production has had conflicting results. On the one hand it can make a film look stylish and deep, like 300 and Sin City. On the other hand it can make things look overly complicated and just plain boring to look at, like The Spirit and dare I say it Attack Of The Clones (don’t hate me!).Thankfully Immortals manages to be more in the stylish category, and sometimes it is a joy to behold. From the extravagant costume designs to the glorious backgrounds it is a treat for the eyes. The Gods balcony in the sky and their gold costumes help them look distinct yet alien and separate from the dark colours of the mortal world.
The acting can be a bit hit and miss, with some characters not having much to do and being a bit hard to watch (like Theseus’ mother and StephenDorff as a very corny thief) to other characters who really relish and seem comfortable in their parts (The Oracle, the Gods and even a sometimes bored looking John Hurt is enjoyable). Henry Cavill as Theseus is humble yet deeply passionate when he or people close to him are threatened. He is really easy to and manages to drive the story and action forward with each and every scene. He has a slight blip when he somehow slips into a Leonidas impression from 300 whilst trying to rally his troops, but otherwise he is fantastic. In fact it is after seeing him in this film that makes me think Zack Synder definitely made the right choice in casting him as the the new Superman/Clark Kent. You can’t help but want to follow his story and character right to the very end. His fight scenes are brutal and sometimes shocking in their complexity (a favourite part of mine was where he manages to kill three people by breaking s spear down into smaller pieces as he goes).
In fact all of the fighting scenes of the film are, for me, immensely enjoyable and the best part. All the mortals who we see fight are visceral and very brutal in their fighting styles. Sometimes the moves they pull off seem fantastical but you can actually imagine people being able to do it with enough training. Compare that with the Gods, who fight with such speed and precision that time seems to slow down and death is dealt swiftly and without remorse. They are so different that you actually feel the Gods are just that, powerful and immortal Gods who are above us in everyway, but maybe not in morals.

Overall the film is enjoyable and runs along at a speedy pace. The 3D, which has been bigged up with the advertising of this film, isn’t as amazing as you would have been lead to believe. The depth and field and colours look gorgeous with some effects seeming to lift off of the screen but you cant help but feel it would look just as good on the big screen without 3D. If you have any interest in Greek Mythology or enjoyed 300 or the original Clash Of The Titans, you can’t go far wrong with Immortals. If you have no interest in films of this type or films with swords and sorcery then this film won’t change your mind!

3 out of 5