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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Doctor Who Series Six filming - House of Fraser - Cybermats and James Co...

Cybermat, Baby, Craig and The Doctor's new coat! Oh my!


  1. HAHA cybermats!! Iv even seen them in the very first epp they appeared in (NOT on transmission as i was -20 odd) :D

    What do you think of the new coat and the stetson?

    stetsons are cool!...but i miss the tweed.

  2. Haha really? Need to watch that one :D

    Personally, I love the new coat but have a feeling it will be something the Dr will wear occasionally to have a change from the tweed (ala the 10th Drs blue suit). But yeah, I love the tweed too lol

    And stensons are very cool, looks like he might get this one away from River!
