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Monday 28 May 2012

DC comics gay character revelaed?

After all the speculation, it looks like Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern is indeed the character who will be re introduced to the DC universe as gay. I for one am pleased with this, being a massive Green Lantern and Alan Scott fan, I can only hope it helps to spread the word that being gay is normal. Taken from comicbookmovie.com:

Earlier this week, it was revealed that a DC superhero would be reintroduced as a homosexual in "The New 52" continuity. So, who is it? Hold on to your power rings Green Lantern fans, the answer may just surprise you!

Josh Wilding - 5/27/2012

The ever reliable lads over at Bleeding Cool have revealed that they've recently heard rumblings that the DC Comics character about to be revealed as a gay man is none other that Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern who is currently making his presence felt in James Robinson's Earth 2 series. The site didn't run a story, but have now heard from another "much stronger" source that he is indeed the superhero about to come out of the closet. We'll be sure to bring you official confirmation when and if it comes. How do you guys feel about this news? Sound off with your thoughts in the usual place.

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