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Tuesday 7 February 2012

Top 10 comics of January belong to DC!

I have to say, DC gambled with their new 52 semi reboot and well done to them for making it more or less a success. Batman and Green Lantern are as good as they have been for the last few years and Aquaman, finally, has a book to give him the recognition he has been needing for years. Only time will tell if all this will last.

Taken from comicvine.com:

What's the best way to start off the first full week into a new month? By taking a peek at comic marketshares and sales figures for the previous month, of course! Diamond, the industry's American comic distributor released figures for the month of January, 2012 and -- surprise, surprise -- DC Comics leads the industry in sales, once again, stealing the first ten spots for highest selling comics for the first month of the year.
The top five comic books sold for the month of January, 2012 were not only DC books, but each sold over one hundred thousand copies. If that doesn't seem like a lot to you, then you may want to consider what the highest selling comic books were before the launch of the new 52. Very rarely would the fifth highest selling title for a given month sell over one hundred thousand copies.
JUSTICE LEAGUE #5 beat out every other book last month selling 148,124 units and BATMAN #5 was not far behind with 139,492 units sold. The eleventh spot was held by Marvel's UNCANNY X-MEN #5 with 67,855 units sold. While a full list of books can be seen below, the numbers still do not reflect the number of digital sales for last month, or at all. Unfortunately, digital sales numbers are still being kept under wraps, and with DC's same day and date digital program still in effect we have to assume that the digital sales numbers are still adequate.
DC's VP of Sales, Marketing and Business Development John Rood revealed the ranking for publisher's top ten digital titles for the month of January, 2012 but did not list the number of copies per title downloaded, making this information relatively difficult to gauge. Rood did, however, give some insight on the correlation between the print and digital sales of the same book.
The only titles that do, interestingly, stronger as a percentage of physical sales in digital are publishing franchises with high awareness like "Action" and "Detective" or character franchises with high awareness like Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman. And they are still relatively insignificant in total compared to print sales. But if you see any variance off of a straight average, it would be because of the built in interest that those franchises have with all readers – both physical and digital.

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