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Wednesday 29 February 2012

New trailer for The Avengers

The new trailer for Marvel's The Avengers is now online (via iTunes Movie Trailers) and can be watched using the player below! You can also check out the new poster that was revealed earlier by clicking here.
Written and directed by Joss Whedon, the May 4 release stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Stellan Skarsgård and Samuel L. Jackson.
Continuing the epic big-screen adventures started in Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger, Marvel's The Avengers is the superhero team up of a lifetime. When an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, Director of the international peacekeeping agency known as SHIELD, finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins.

The New Trailer for Marvel's The Avengers!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

First solo image of Batman Earth 2

Taken from comicvine.com:

This May DC will launch EARTH 2 as part of their "Second Wave" of "New 52" titles. It will be a series set in a parallel world to the one we're currently reading in the pages of the "New 52" titles. We've seen the world before but with Crisis on Infinite Earths, the confusion over multiple worlds was put to rest. We've seen elements of Earth 2 arise over the years and now it's back in full force.
Earlier this month we saw the variant cover to EARTH 2 #1 by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado but today, the Source has unveiled Jim Lee's character designs for Batman, which gives us a full look at his costume.
What will this Batman be all about? Because of the escrima sticks, and based on what happened in past Earth 2 stories, we're assuming it's Dick Grayson under the cowl. Here's what EARTH 2 editor, Pat McCallum said:
Who will Batman kill to save his own daughter? Right out of the gate that should tell you we’re dealing with a different kind of Dark Knight here. More ruthless, dangerous…the costume is familiar and yeah, there is a Wayne under the mask, but we’re looking at a man desperate to save the only family he has left. EARTH 2 is about to become a very bad place to be a bad guy.
So perhaps this is still Bruce before he retires in the Earth 2 world. We'll have to stay tuned and wait until May to find out more.

New Robin Image from Earth 2

Taken from comicvine.com:

Yesterday we saw the EARTH 2 designs for Batman by Jim Lee. Today, DC has revealed the designs for Robin by Kevin Maguire and it may not be quite what you'd expect.
That's right, some of you suspected after seeing the cover for WORLD'S FINEST #1 with Huntress and Power Girl. Huntress had a different costume in the back image with the letter 'R' on it.
Here's what EARTH 2 writer, James Robinson, had to say:
Helena Wayne has been taught how to be the perfect Robin. Assured as a detective, fighter, scientist, pilot and all around crime-fighter she’s been groomed by Batman to be the perfect caped manhunter (or should we say manHuntress) when she grows up.
Are you getting excited for EARTH 2? Apparently next week's HUNTRESS #6 will give some clues as to how she ended up on the "New 52" Earth.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

New Resident Evil 6 Details emerge

Taken from Kotaku.com:

Details about Resident Evil 6 are super scant. Today, however, that changes. Today, they are simply scant as the game's developer shed some more light on the title, providing more info about the upcoming title. As previously revealed in the game's trailer, Resident Evil 6 is set in China. Today, Capcom revealed that the setting is a fictional coastal town called Lanshiang.
And Capcom, in today's release, wanted to set the game's time period straight: the game takes place in 2013.
RE6 features zombies, who run and jump, as well as use weapons. According to Capcom, they are different from previous RE zombies.
The bulbous monster that appeared in the trailer is called "J'avo". Here's the official word from Capcom:
"Named by the BSAA after the Serbian word for 'demon', the first J'avo made an appearance in the conflict zone of Eastern Europe about six months before the action of Resident Evil 6. The J'avo still exhibit certain human elements—such as the ability to understand speech, work together as a group and use weapons—but they are also incredibly aggressive and a number of their actions have regressed to pure instinct.
When a J'avo takes damage it has the ability to regenerate itself. However if it is receives major damage then it will mutate that affected body part into a number of varied forms, meaning players will have to rethink their strategy and adapt to this unpredictability.
Resident Evil 6 stars Leon S. Kennedy, who was recruited as a government agent following the Raccoon City incident. Joining him is Helena Harper, who is a government agent in the process of transferring to the Secret Service.
Chris Redfield, last seen in Resident Evil 5, suffered personal trauma in the six months prior to RE6. He joins his colleagues to uncover a major bioterrorist attack.
There's also a mysterious third male protagonist, too. Capcom still hasn't revealed his name—though, it could be Hunk. According to Capcom, "We're still trying to track down his real identity but we do know this man is a mercenary currently engaged in a bloody conflict in Eastern Europe where reports confirm that B.O.W.s are increasingly being used. One day, he's told that he is the man to save the world. Whilst he doesn't understand the implications of this, he does immediately think how much money he can make from it."
Resident Evil 6 features"evolved" controls that will allow players to shot while moving, as well as roll in any direction and take cover. There is also an "enhanced" melee attack.
The outbreak goes global on November 20 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The PC infection will follow soon after.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Well that wasn't much of a secret kept!

Skrulls, Skrulls everywhere!! Taken from Superherohype.com:

While the below figurine from the tie-in "Mighty Battle Skill & Strategy Game" certainly appears to be a Skrull, it's not uncommon for tie-in merchandise to sometimes borrow characters from the comics, even when they're not in the film. (Deathstroke, for example, was released as an action figure in the Dark Knight line).

Continuing the epic big-screen adventures started in Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger, Marvel's The Avengers is the superhero team up of a lifetime. When an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, Director of the international peacekeeping agency known as SHIELD, finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins.

Written and directed by Joss Whedon, the film stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Stellan Skarsgård and Samuel L. Jackson.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Top 10 comics of January belong to DC!

I have to say, DC gambled with their new 52 semi reboot and well done to them for making it more or less a success. Batman and Green Lantern are as good as they have been for the last few years and Aquaman, finally, has a book to give him the recognition he has been needing for years. Only time will tell if all this will last.

Taken from comicvine.com:

What's the best way to start off the first full week into a new month? By taking a peek at comic marketshares and sales figures for the previous month, of course! Diamond, the industry's American comic distributor released figures for the month of January, 2012 and -- surprise, surprise -- DC Comics leads the industry in sales, once again, stealing the first ten spots for highest selling comics for the first month of the year.
The top five comic books sold for the month of January, 2012 were not only DC books, but each sold over one hundred thousand copies. If that doesn't seem like a lot to you, then you may want to consider what the highest selling comic books were before the launch of the new 52. Very rarely would the fifth highest selling title for a given month sell over one hundred thousand copies.
JUSTICE LEAGUE #5 beat out every other book last month selling 148,124 units and BATMAN #5 was not far behind with 139,492 units sold. The eleventh spot was held by Marvel's UNCANNY X-MEN #5 with 67,855 units sold. While a full list of books can be seen below, the numbers still do not reflect the number of digital sales for last month, or at all. Unfortunately, digital sales numbers are still being kept under wraps, and with DC's same day and date digital program still in effect we have to assume that the digital sales numbers are still adequate.
DC's VP of Sales, Marketing and Business Development John Rood revealed the ranking for publisher's top ten digital titles for the month of January, 2012 but did not list the number of copies per title downloaded, making this information relatively difficult to gauge. Rood did, however, give some insight on the correlation between the print and digital sales of the same book.
The only titles that do, interestingly, stronger as a percentage of physical sales in digital are publishing franchises with high awareness like "Action" and "Detective" or character franchises with high awareness like Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman. And they are still relatively insignificant in total compared to print sales. But if you see any variance off of a straight average, it would be because of the built in interest that those franchises have with all readers – both physical and digital.

The Amazing New Trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man!

The New Trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man!

Saturday 4 February 2012

Thursday 2 February 2012

Star Wars + Terminator = Something a bit wrong

Take from Denofgeek.com... Yeah it sounds a bit crap to me. But will give it a chance, like I always do with Star Wars stuff:

Stories about a live-action TV series set in the Star Wars universe have been floating around the web for ages, and the fresh news, earlier this month, that it had a working title (Star Wars: Underworld) led to hopes from some quarters that such a series may one day arrive on our television boxes.
Yesterday, a new and rather strange rumour surfaced, first at Ain’t It Cool, and then picked up by the good people at Bleeding Cool (it goes without saying, by the way, that you should probably stop reading if you don't want any part of Star Wars Underworld's plot spoiled for you).
According to an unnamed source (who may or may not be reliable), one of the early episodes of the series may involve time travel – and the story owes a certain debt to The Terminator or Soldier, the Harlan Ellison-penned Outer Limits episode that inspired James Cameron in the first place.
The episode will involve a “group of bandits” who travel back in time to “stop Darth Vader ever existing”. As Bleeding Cool points out, this might not necessarily mean the bandits will attempt to kill Vader when he’s clad in black and struggling to breathe properly – they may head back further in time to kill Senator Palpatine, or even Anakin Skywalker while he was yet a boy.
If this proves to be the case, I wonder if they could spare the time to bump off Jar Jar Binks while they’re in the vicinity? We live in hope.
More news on this rumour as we get it. Assuming no one from the future comes and murders us before we can tell you about it, that is.