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Monday 5 December 2011

Its coming......

Copied from the comic book resources website:

‘It’s coming’ on Wednesday, apparently

It's still coming
After two months of teases, it looks like we may get some payoff on the “It’s coming” images that Marvel started running around the New York Comic-Con. The company has scheduled a live event this Wednesday at 3 p.m. Eastern to hopefully announce the project.
Since October, Marvel has run Phoenix-themed teaser images, with several of their top creators tied to it — Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Jonathan Hickman, Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, Olivier Coipel, John Romiat Jr. and Adam Kubert. And in the recent Point One comic, the Phoenix entity popped up in the Nova story, which led to Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso confirming that it’s part of a “Marvel Universe event.”
“The Phoenix is the spirit of destruction and rebirth,” Alonso told CBR’s Kiel Phegley during a discussion about Point One. “It razes worlds to grow something new. It’s bad news if you happen to be part of that ecosystem; good news if you’re the next stage. And, as everyone knows, the Phoenix is nothing without a host. So, the question emerges: If the Phoenix is headed somewhere, where is that? And if it needs a host, who is that host? Because we all know what happened the last time it found a host!”
You can check out the panel from the Nova story featuring the big ol’ flaming bird after the jump.

FANGASM!! I'm just hoping the host is actually Jean again as I don't want a random character with all the power and history that comes with the Phoenix Force. I doubt its gonna be Hope though (or Rachel for that matter), I guess thats just to obvious! Either way, please let this mean that Jean is on her way back with or without the Phoenix Force, the X-Men seriously need her more now than ever.

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