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Monday 5 September 2011

Why George why?!

Below is the list of changes that have been implimented into the new Star Wars films for their first blu ray release. Read with caution and rage:

A New Hope

Two changes here have been picked up. One is when R2D2 is zapped by the Jawas. Previously, he was hiding away, but not very well. Now, there are new rocks for him to hide behind.

Secondly, when Luke is battling the Sand People, Ben Kenobi’s ‘Krayt Dragon’ call has been altered. This change has not been going down well. Primarily because it seems a bit daft.

Return Of The Jedi

For starters here, the Ewoks have been given more realistic blinking eyes. In the scene in Jabba The Hut’s palace, a Dug, from The Phantom Menace, has been inserted. When R2D2 and C3PO arrive at said palace, the door they get to has been made larger.
And then there’s the change that already seems to be melting the Internet: not content with having Darth Vader’s “Nooooooooooo!” from Revenge Of The Sith being the most unintentionally laugh out loud moment of all six films, it’s been inserted now into Return Of The Jedi, at the point where the Emperor is thrown to his death by Vader.

The Phantom Menace

As had been widely reported already, a CGI Yoda has indeed been deployed here, to match the one in Attack Of The Clones and Revenge Of The Sith.

Apart from the insertion of a CGI Yoda into the Phantom Menace, I am really struggling to understand these seriously pointless changes. The most laughable of all is adding the dreadful Nooooo from Revenge of the Sith into Return of the Jedi. Not only does the silence during Vaders inner torment and actions add to the scene to show the conflict going on within, it also leaves things unsure about what he is going to do. To have Vader calmly saying Noooooo really adds feck all to the scene and also makes Palpatine look a bit of a dick for not turning round after hearing him and asking whats up with you. So yeah Mr Lucas..... really!?

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