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Friday 16 September 2011

Brief rundown of the new Who Episodes

Don't worry I won't bore you with in depth reviews and my thoughts and feelings on the latest 3 episodes of Doctor Who. Instead heres what I would give them out of 10 and I will review the 6th Series as a whole when the boxset is released in late October :)

Lets Kill Hitler: A good look at the beginings of River Song aka Melody Pond and her relationship with the Doctor and her parents. But surprisingly, theres very little of Hitler and they left him in the cupboard!

8 OUT OF 10

Night Terrors: A nice self contained story that ramps up the tension well and portrays another childhood fear... what is in your cupboards when night falls (Maybe Hitler if the last episode is anything to go by!). Well written and brilliantly acted, Mark Gatiss hits the mark at every turn.

8 OUT OF 10

The Girl Who Waited: This episode is probably my favourite of the new series, right up there with the Doctors Wife for tugging at the heart strings. Its an in depth analysis of the relationship between Amy and Rory and further cements that these two love one another to the end of Time itself. The scenes between Old Amy and Rory are truly heart breaking. Overall this is defiantly a showcase for Karen Gillian, whose portrayal of the older Amy is true to her character, and who carries the hurt and rejection of being left behind by her best friend on her sleeve for all to see

9.5 OUT OF 10

The last 3 episodes of the series look to be pretty interesting to in their own right. This weeks God Complex with the hotel that has a room for each its inhabitants worse fears.
Closing Time is sequel to last years the lodger, and sees the return of Craig, Sophie now with a new baby as well as the Cybermen and Cyber Mats. Closing Time looks to be a fun romp pretty much like the Lodger, and Matt Smith and James Corden have great chemistry.
And finally we have The Wedding Of River Song to end the series. Little is known about this episode apart from it sees the return of, of course River Song. But also Madame Kovarian (Eye Patch Lady) and the Silence. It looks to be an explosive finale, with the Doctor returning to Lake Silencio in 2011 is face his death.
Is the Impossible Astronaught River Song/Melody Pond? Will we finally know what or who the Silence are? Will the Doctor die? And whats with Area 52, all the eyepatches and the Pyramid with a train line?! All will be revelaed in 2 weeks... or will it?? We know that Steven Moffatt loves his timey wimeyness and turning things on their heads!!

Remaking Final Fantasy X .... wait what?

Copied from Topless Robot:


FOR THE PS3. Also the PSVita, but also the PS3.


I have no idea how to feel about this. On one hand, FFX was the last FF game I really enjoyed (note: I played FFXII for 100 hours despite not liking it that much, because I am an insane, ridiculous Final Fan-boy). After the bullshit that was FFXIII and the upcoming onslaught of FFXIII-2 and possibly FFXIII-3, replaying a better-looking Final Fantasy X seems getting like a warm hug.

On the other hand, really? FFX? Not FFVII? Are you fucking kidding me? Why do you hate giving your fans what they want, Square Enix? Why do you want to take all their money but refuse so adamantly to sell them -- not give them, sell them -- the one fucking thing they want most of all? What in god's name is wrong with you people? Christ, I need a drink.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Super Mario 3D Land - September 2011 Trailer

The new Super Mario Land game for the Nintendo 3DS is, I have to say, looking pretty fantastic. The art direction, the whimsical music, Bowser being his usual fiery self and the inventive use of 3D all add up to what looks like an immensely fun and enjoyable Mario game :)

SUPER MARIO CEREMONY -The 30th Anniversary Medley-

Yes its very long and in a random order, but by God, this video is made of awesome. Sit back, turn up the volume and enjoy the retro!

Long time silence

Just a quick note to let you all know that I am sorry that my blog has been quiet these past few weeks. I have just moved into a new flat and there were lots of problems with trying to set up a broadband connection. No more worries though, as regular service has been resumed, let the geekness commence :D

Monday 5 September 2011

Why George why?!

Below is the list of changes that have been implimented into the new Star Wars films for their first blu ray release. Read with caution and rage:

A New Hope

Two changes here have been picked up. One is when R2D2 is zapped by the Jawas. Previously, he was hiding away, but not very well. Now, there are new rocks for him to hide behind.

Secondly, when Luke is battling the Sand People, Ben Kenobi’s ‘Krayt Dragon’ call has been altered. This change has not been going down well. Primarily because it seems a bit daft.

Return Of The Jedi

For starters here, the Ewoks have been given more realistic blinking eyes. In the scene in Jabba The Hut’s palace, a Dug, from The Phantom Menace, has been inserted. When R2D2 and C3PO arrive at said palace, the door they get to has been made larger.
And then there’s the change that already seems to be melting the Internet: not content with having Darth Vader’s “Nooooooooooo!” from Revenge Of The Sith being the most unintentionally laugh out loud moment of all six films, it’s been inserted now into Return Of The Jedi, at the point where the Emperor is thrown to his death by Vader.

The Phantom Menace

As had been widely reported already, a CGI Yoda has indeed been deployed here, to match the one in Attack Of The Clones and Revenge Of The Sith.

Apart from the insertion of a CGI Yoda into the Phantom Menace, I am really struggling to understand these seriously pointless changes. The most laughable of all is adding the dreadful Nooooo from Revenge of the Sith into Return of the Jedi. Not only does the silence during Vaders inner torment and actions add to the scene to show the conflict going on within, it also leaves things unsure about what he is going to do. To have Vader calmly saying Noooooo really adds feck all to the scene and also makes Palpatine look a bit of a dick for not turning round after hearing him and asking whats up with you. So yeah Mr Lucas..... really!?