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Tuesday 21 June 2011

Robin from Arkham City revealed!

Finally, after months of speculation, Robins look in Arkham City has been revealed. After the announcement that Robin would get his own set of challenge maps in the Arkham Asylum sequel, people were wondering how Rocksteady would tackle his look and who would he be under the mask. Would they go the comics or even the movies route in his design? Well, instead of Dick Grayson we have Tim Drake and thankfully, his design completely fits the Arkham City universe.  I'm loving how grounded in reality this Robins costume is. It would totally work in the Nolan universe if he so wanted to use Robin in the films. Also, whilst people aren't raving about the loss of his fine black locks, I kinda like it. It really does fit the over all design and compliments his look with Batmans. I can't wait to see it in colour! Although, personally, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Nightwing will be in there somewhere pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease Rocksteady!!

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