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Saturday 30 July 2011

DC relaunch... whats what

Below is a rundown of what changes will happen to the main DC universe after Flashpoint #5. Copied from the superherostuff website:

DC #1 Relaunch This September: A Rundown

DC Justice League #1 Line Up
DC Justice League #1 Line Up
Pre-spoiler: Get Flashpoint #5, coming August 31. It explains the transition into the 52 Relaunch.


As you’re already aware, DC is relaunching the DC universe with a wave of new #1 issues starting with “Justice League” by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee. Much to the chagrin of many of the DC reading community, we’re going to see the revamping of the entire line of DC comics (52 titles) with a restart for every series from issue #1, including flagship titles like “Action Comics” and “Detective Comics.”  The launching is to take place all in one month, this coming September.
But, the flaming directed at DC for the changes, for the most part appears unwarranted since the issues raised are based more from deviation from tradition more so than any actual story lines that are to take place. Basically, “change is bad DC, FU.” is the prevailing flame reading from the haters. But from what we’ve seen, we are more hopeful than anything else. Sad about Ma & Pa Kent (sniff) but hopeful nonetheless.
DC Relaunch
DC Relaunch
In Justice League #1, they’re indicating that the team was “formed five years ago,” when “the world didn’t know what a superhero was.” Applying a little perspective, we know that the Justice League consists of heroes that have been around a while before teaming up. What’s expected is that the heroes are less experienced than what we are used to seeing.

Flashpoint #5 Is Key

If you are reading Flashpoint, you’ll soon find out that Issue #5, coming August 31, is bridging the gab between the current DC Universe and the upcoming “New 52” story line. #5 is key, so you won’t want to miss it. This issue of Flashpoint is to have a two page spread that will have a bird’s eye view of exactly what the hell is going down. Better get two copies of this issue, one to read and one to stow away in mom’s basement.

The 52 Relaunch Titles

Action Comics
All-Star Western
Animal Man
Batman & Robin
Batman: The Dark Knight

Birds of Prey
Blue Beetle
Captain Atom
DC Universe Presents
Demon Knights
Detective Comics
Frankenstein, Agent of SHADE
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
Green Lantern Corps
Green Lantern: The New Guardians

Hawk & Dove
I, Vampire
Justice League
Justice League Dark
Justice League International

Legion Lost
Legion of Superheroes
Mister Terrific
Red Hood and the Outlaws
Red Lanterns

Resurrection Man
Sgt. Rock and the Men of War
Static Shock
Suicide Squad
Superman: The Man of Tomorrow

Swamp Thing
Teen Titans
The Flash

The Fury of Firestorm
The Savage Hawkman
Wonder Woman

Some Covers To Look For

Action Comics #1
Action Comics #1
Aquaman #1
Aquaman #1
Batgirl #1
Batgirl #1
Batman #1
Batman #1
Batman & Robin #1
Batman & Robin #1
Batman The Dark Knight #1
Batman TDK #1

Notes About The Heroes

    George Perez
  • Superman: George Pérez is to write and draw Superman. He co-wrote, then fully wrote, the Wonder Woman #1 relaunch in 1986, and co-wrote the Teen Titans and has written and drawn various Superman titles since then.Pérez is giving us a new uniform for Superman. It’s based on the traditional suit, but is segmented with what appears to be “armor” type plates with scores, seams or raised lines running across and around Supes’ arms, legs and torso along with kneepads(?) and segmented, bulky metallic-like boots.  Superman’s belt will have the “S” symbol and he will be going commando without the outer underwear.
    Superman's New Suit
    Superman's New Suit
    He will also have a slightly larger, but more traditional ‘S’ shield on the costume.The biggest surprise is no Pa and Ma Kent, along with Clark and Lois no longer being an item. Clark will be single and Lois will have a new boyfriend. Also, Superman’s alien origins will be emphasized, with a perspective focusing on “Kal-El from the planet Krypton” more so than “Clark Kent from Smallville Kansas.”
  • Green Lantern: To be written by Dave Johnson
  • Batgirl: Barbara Gordon is back as Batgirl after recovering successfully from an assault that left her paralyzed, (though, we don’t see how that can be, short of some miracle operation from Wayne Tech) and as a recent college graduate, will be a little younger than she was portrayed in the current story line. Stephanie Brown is nowhere to be seen, but we can always hope.
  • Justice League: Click here for our rundown on Justice League #1. Stupid Wordpress wouldn’t let us put all the pictures on one blog post.
  • Batman: Ok, a lot of stuff is going on with Batman, here’s an excellent, overly thought out perspective that CBR had. “Put bluntly, Batman’s history calls for the biggest suspension of disbelief, because it reaches into the histories of both the Justice League and the Teen Titans. In the current timeline, where Damian Wayne is a product of Batman: Son of the Demon’s night of passion between Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, one can argue credibly for a Bat-career of at least fifteen years, and probably more.SOTD was published in 1987, when Jason Todd was Robin and Dick Grayson had become Nightwing.If we presume that SOTD took place in the present (i.e., concurrent with 1987?s comics), Dick would be over 20 years old, having reached that milestone in early 1986.* Damian’s age therefore measures the span of time between 2011?s comics and 1987’s, compressing almost 24 years’ worth of stories into 11 (or, if you prefer, 10 years and 9 months). For simplicity’s sake, let’s just say that Dick turned 20 in the same year that Damian was born. That would make Dick 30 today, and would give him a superhero career of at least 15 years, mostly as Nightwing.** From there we can figure Bruce’s age, assuming (as “Batman: Year One” revealed) that he first became Batman at 25. If Bruce then took in Dick in Year Three,*** when he was 27 and Dick was 15, then the current crop of comics takes place in at least Year 18, when Bruce is 42.”  Whew!!! What a mouth full, but they do have a point. … read it twice, it’ll then make sense.
  • Teen Titans: Tim Drake is in is Titans?

    And thats whats happening come September in the DC Universe... exciting times ahead methinks!

Friday 29 July 2011

Torchwood might be more drift wood!


Starz’s Torchwood may have delivered strong reviews and solid ratings, but fans shouldn’t expect the network to renew the Brit import anytime soon.
Before stepping before reporters at TV critics tour, Starz CEO Chris Albrecht told EW he doesn’t envision the cult favorite as an annual event. The show’s 10-episode order was a large and unusual commitment for Torchwood partner BBC, he pointed out, and he hinged the pickup more on whether creator Russell T Davies comes up with a great new idea that can work for both partners. “Torchwood is not one of the show we went into thinking about a yearly return,” Albrecht said moments later to critics. “It’s about Russell T Davies … he has a lot of things on his plate. If Torchwood is at the top of his list, that will effect the future of Torchwood.”

Ouch! So what does the mean for the future of Torchwood? I'm thinking if RTD ever leaves Torchwood in someone elses hands, however capable that person or persons may be, then the STARZ network don't want to know.... Best we keep an eye on how the current series pans out and see if the series can continue on

Tuesday 26 July 2011

New Doctor Who Pic and the remaining episodes named....

The Silence, The Impossible Astronaut, River Song, The Pyramids, The Doctors new coat. Woop!!

And below we have the summaries and names of some of the new episodes. Copied from the BBC website:
  • Episode 8: Let's Kill Hitler
  • Written by Steven Moffat
The gang's all back! The Doctor, Amy, River and Rory return in what promises to be an action-packed belter of an adventure. So far the following details have emerged:
'In the desperate search for Melody Pond, the TARDIS crash lands in 1930s Berlin, bringing the Doctor face to face with the greatest war criminal in the Universe. And Hitler. The Doctor must teach his adversaries that time travel has responsibilities - and in so doing, learns a harsh lesson in the cruellest warfare of all.'
We also know it features Albert Welling as Hitler and is directed by Richard Senior, previously at the helm for Time and Space plus the Doctor Who pre-title sequence for this year's NTA awards.
  • Episode 9: Night Terrors
  • Written by Mark Gatiss
Mark Gatiss has previously written spooky episodes including The Unquiet Dead and The Idiot's Lantern, but he promises that Night Terrors features some of the scariest moments he's ever dreamt up! The adventure has a modern day setting and features a little boy who has a fear of something... Can the Doctor help him?
  • Episode 10: The Girl Who Waited
  • Written by Tom MacRae
Tom MacRae's previous credits include The Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel plus the critically acclaimed The Crash of the Elysium. This is his first television adventure for the Eleventh Doctor and it's directed by Nick Hurran who was recently at the helm for the updated version of the cult classic, The Prisoner.
  • Episode 11: The God Complex
  • Written by Toby Whithouse
We know the adventure is set in a hotel and features an alien called Gibbis played by David Walliams. Again, the episode is directed by Nick Hurran and as writer Toby Whithouse was behind School Reunion and The Vampires of Venice, we know we've got something special to look forward to!
  • Episode 12
  • Written by Gareth Roberts
Craig Owens is back! The popular character from last year's The Lodger returns and judging from the trailer for eps 8-13 he's getting closer than ever to the Doctor! The adventure is written by Gareth Roberts whose credits include Attack of the Graske, The Unicorn and the Wasp and, of course, The Lodger.
  • Episode 13
  • Written by Steven Moffat
The big finale! This one remains shrouded in mystery but Karen Gillan has promised us that the series will contain 'possibly the biggest twist so far'... Is it possible that this is the adventure that delivers it? Steven Moffat penned last year's incredible finale but it's probable that this adventure will conclude the series with a bigger bang than ever!

Monday 25 July 2011

Avengers Assembled

Can I just say SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I cannot wait for this film! Everyone is looking pretty awesome and just seeing the movie Avengers all on the same poster is a fan boys wet dream come true! Roll on Captain America this week, as I need to see that Avengers trailer after the credits!!

The Doctor Returns!

Mark it in your calenders people and rejoice, the Doctor is back in the house on Saturday August 27th!

And to whet your appetites, below is the trailer for the second part of series 6:

Saving Hitler, Amy with a katana, River with a familiar eyepatch, Madame Kovarian knowing about the impossible astronaut, Craig and the Doctor being a bit to close, Churchill, Cybermen, The Silence, Weeping Angels..... 27th August can't come soon enough!! ;)

PS Amy might be sticking around for a bit longer, as Karen Gillian has confirmed that she will be around for series 7. That could mean the whole series, half the series or even just one episode, who knows at this stage............

Friday 22 July 2011

Thursday 21 July 2011

SDCC: First look at Caps modern armour

I personally love the way that the films designers have gone for Steve Rogers modern outfit. It looks just like the comics uniform whilst also being grounded in realism. The folds and definition of the armour really give it a soldier vibe. Cant wait to see Chris Evans rocking this outift in next years Avengers, he'll fit right in with Thor and Iron Man :D

Wednesday 20 July 2011

New Spider-man trailer

The very first official trailer for next year's The Amazing Spider-Man, starring Andrew Garfield...

There’s a thick web hanging over this first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man. It’s the web of seriousness.
By comparison, the Spider-Man movies brought to the screen by Sam Raimi a few years ago were comparatively breezy affairs. Marc Webb’s forthcoming reboot of the franchise appears to take the character down a route that mashes up the scowling realism of Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies, the doleful introspection of those Twilight teen vampire flicks I’ve never seen, and for good measure, a dash of videogame-style free-running.
It’s an unexpected new direction for the much-loved superhero, but it looks like a well-shot film, and the music’s quite nice. We’ll be back with a more in-depth analysis of the trailer tomorrow, but until then, you can watch it for yourselves below.


Oh DC....................

What follows is a post on the website Topless Robot. It says exactly what I've been thinking about the DC relaunch and instead of me typing the same stuff but not as well, I thought Id just let you view the post below :)

• Good: DC is advertising the DCnU relaunch in movie theaters in September. Smart. Very smart. So props there. (Via Robot 6)

​• Bad: DC has released a few more details on how they're fucking with Superman post-relaunch, which includes killing off both Ma and Pa Kent. Yes, Superman will be parentless. Also, in Action Comics -- the one that features the earlier adventures of Superman, where he's wearing the spectacularly awful outfit above (that's the new cover to Action #1, by the way -- Superman can't fly, but only jump really fucking high, 1930s-style. So anyone who thought DC was doing this in anticipation of the Shuster-Siegel lawsuit appears to be dead wrong, since everyone knows jumpin'-not-flyin' Superman is Shuster and Siegel-owned. Last but not least, in Superman -- the comic set in the present, Superman's outfit is some kind of "ceremonial Kryptonian armor." Now, DC is doing all this to make Superman more "relatable." Hey, DC -- I'm not a high paid comics editor or anything, but I have an idea for how you can make your characters more relatable -- TELL GOOD FUCKING STORIES. (Via Newsarama)

• Weird: DC will release a massive hardcover of all 52 of their new #1 issues in December. It'll run over 1200 pages and cost $150. I'm not opposed to this in theory, but I wonder how $150 is anything approaching "accessible." Maybe 40 of DC's 52 new comics are awesome, but I'm not going to spend $150 on an anthology to find out. DC should take a page out of the manga handbook and release this anthology in black and white on shitty newsprint, and release it for like $10. Let people -- and kids, for that matter -- get a taste of all the new series as cheaply as possible, and then maybe they'll get interested in a few of the titles to start collecting for real.The first taste free, or at least as close to free as possible. It works for drugs.

Monday 18 July 2011

Tuesday 12 July 2011

First Dark Knight Rises Poster

Above is the first poster from the upcoming and final Batman/Nolan film,The  Dark Knight Rises. It has a very inception like feel to it and seems to show that Gotham or indeed Society is crumbling. Im liking the tone of this film and this poster seems to set the scene for a dark, deep and thrilling film. It will take a film of immense quality to surpass the proceeding film, The Dark Knight. Although I am sure no one more than Christopher Nolan is aware of this and I for one believe he can deliver a fantastic film with a brilliant story.